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When Louis woke up, he no longer felt the lovely presence of warm bodies wedged against him, no longer felt long, strong arms entangled around his chest and middle. He was alone, and even though he was covered head to toe with thick blankets, he was very cold.

He was in what he guessed to be a guest bedroom, as everything seemed a bit too hotel-like and impersonal for his liking. The bed was comfortable, but nothing compared to the feeling of Harry's bed, or being wrapped in Harry's arms as he dozed. Why is everything about Harry? Just shut up. Louis wasn't very used to the types of feelings he felt developing, so he couldn't fathom why his brain just could not drop the topic of Harry, no matter how bad he wanted to think of anything other than his abductor. Especially when the feelings were good ones.

Louis sighed, kicking his feet off the bed and standing up. A clock on the nightstand told him it was nine a.m, and he was a little hungry. He was, however, a little confused on how he'd gotten to this room last night, since he didn't remember walking. It was a little exhausting how the common theme these days was waking up in a different place than where he'd fallen asleep, dazed and disoriented.

He made his way to the bathroom where he spotted three matching toothbrushes sticking out of a cup; red yellow and green. On the counter sat an unused blue one that he assumed was meant for him. He rolled his eyes, because of course they had matching toothbrushes.

When he was done in the bathroom, Louis went to the kitchen to see if anyone else was awake yet. He found Zayn sitting alone at the island, sipping on some delicious smelling tea. He smiled invitingly when he spotted Louis, pointing to a kettle resting on the stove.

"Help yourself, it's fresh. Mugs in the top cupboard." Louis poured himself some tea gladly, choosing a mug with painted fruits on it. He sat down next to Zayn wordlessly, enjoying his soft presence and the peaceful atmosphere.

That was one of the things he loved about the boy; Zayn could be so fun and have a great laugh but when he came down to it, he was really just so laid back and made Louis feel so at ease.

They sipped their tea in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the company without feeling the least bit awkward. Finally, Louis spoke up.

"Harry told me about what he did. Said that he followed me around and brought me here; that he can't let me leave yet but hopefully soon." Zayn nodded perceptively, allowing Louis the time he needed to speak his own mind, which he was really grateful for.

"I know it was you and Liam who grabbed me that night, I was awake. Well, for a few seconds at least. I don't blame you though, I know Harry was behind it. Besides, you've been nothing but brotherly. Thanks for that, by the way. It's really nice of you. It's been really nice." He looked into Zayn's stunning eyes and gave him a small smile, which was returned brightly along with a soft hand on Louis' shoulder.

"Of course Louis. As soon as we met you we knew you were different. We like you; all of us, even though Harry doesn't always show it in the best ways. Even if he's quiet, or moody, or snaps for absolutely no reason. And look, me and Liam are both really sorry about what we did to you, we shouldn't have done it, it was so, so stupid. Harry wanted our help, and it's not like we could have stopped him once he set his mind to it." Zayn rolled his eyes and Louis chuckled.

"I'm still so sorry though Lou, we would have done something if we could have."

"But we don't agree with it, and we'll fight to make sure you're safe and that your life is set back on track." Louis smiled and gave Zayn a side hug. He liked them too (yes, even Harry), and he guessed it would be fine spending some time here with them, even if he was technically a prisoner (He tried not to think about that because it was a little awkward).

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