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Hi dear readerssssssssss <33

I am currently beginning to write the third chapter for this book and I wanted to know if you guys want to have another POV from anyone besides Sana and Mina. I don't want to continue writing the book if I don't know, since honestly, I'm unsure myself hahaha

I was thinking of continuing it from Sana's POV where we left off in the second chapter or maybe pick it up with Mina....OR I can show the POV of a different character. Maybe someone in the auditorium, or maybe someone else.

Hmm, idk...

Well, if you want to continue with Sana, comment right here:

If you want to hear something from Mina, comment here:

If you want a new POV, comment here, and say who you wanna hear from:

Welllllll I think that's all for nowwww

Enjoy your day/night/evening or whatever time it is for you guys! Stay safe, drink water and STAN TWICE!!


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