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"Mina, Mina? Mina come on let's go, we don't wanna be late to the sky explosions!" said a little girl excitedly

"I don't think we'll be late." replied Mina uninterested

The little girl who was beside her pouted which made her look (not that Mina would admit it) cute.

"Ah, Minari, you're always ruining the fun," the little girl whined "can't you just pretend that the sky explosions won't start later and that we have to hurry and make in time? Pleeeaasee?"

The little brown-haired girl used her puppy eyes that she knew made Mina soft.

Mina quickly looked away, wanting to keep her resolve and replied, "No."

The brown-haired girl turned up her puppy dog eyes to maximum effect and tried to angle her head upwards so Mina could see them.

Mina, however, is stubborn so she turned around in a full circle, trying to avoid the girl's eyes. Then, when Mina realized the little girl would keep doing this until they were both cross-eyed and dizzy, she made a dash for the bridge nearby in hopes to escape the little girl.

The sun was shinning so brightly that day, the flowers were blossoming beautifully and the sounds of laughter from two children could be heard from all directions.

"Mina-chan, you can run as much as you want to, but I'll always chase you. Remember that." said the little girl catching up to Mina

Mina looked behind her and saw the brown-haired girl catching up to her. In a quick movement, she made a quick left into some nearby shrubbery to hide from her.

As Mina was catching her breath, she heard little footsteps coming closer to where she was. Mina held her breath so the brown-haired girl couldn't hear her.

"Mina-chaaan~," the girl sing-songed "where aree youu?"

Mina could see the brown-haired girl perfectly from where she was hiding, the girl was swiveling her little head left and right, searching for Mina amongst the shrubbery.

After minutes that seemed like hours to Mina, the brown-haired girl gave up her search with a huff and a pout. "I'm going home since you won't come out."

The brown-haired girl walked away, out of Mina's view and Mina was ALMOST compelled to follow after her. But, the thought had no time to manifest into action because about two seconds later, small hands were wrapped around her waist from behind.

To say Mina was startled, was an understatement.

"Hi Mina." the brown-haired girl said, snuggling her head into the crook of Mina's shoulder

Mina didn't reply, one, because she was still in shock and two, because her heart was racing.

Why was Mina's heart racing?

Mina would tell you it's from the shock, but anyone else would tell you it's because of the girl snuggled into her.

Speaking of which...


The brown-haired girl chuckled in response, snuggling into Mina even more.

"How did you even find me anyway, I thought you said you were going home." Mina asked

"Oh Mina-chan, I never lost you" said the little girl "I always saw you, I just didn't say anything so I could surprise you."

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