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*beep beep beep*

I quickly shut off my alarm so it wouldn't wake my parents up from their slumber.

Not that I care about them, they can die and never be found for all I care. I just don't feel like dealing with their bullshit early in the morning.

You see, my parents are assholes. Cinderella's evil stepmother bad.

My parents are constantly shouting at me for being what they call useless, incompetent and, my favorite, a disappointment. If I don't do something the way they want it done, I get shout at. Even if I do something the way they want it done to a T, they shout at me. If I come home one minute past curfew, they shout at me. Basically everything I do, they shout at me for it.

They're mostly at work half the time, they're only here now and not gone because it's the beginning of the school year. You see, my parents run a business together. A tutoring business actually.

During the beginning of every school year, they don't have work since it's too early to deem if a child is in need of tutoring or not. That's why for two whole months, I have to put up with their crap.

I always treasure the moments when they're gone, not like it's any different from when they're here just quieter.

They don't know me at all honestly.

They don't know my likes, dislikes or anything. Or if they do, then they just took me away from them just to be assholes.

I was in ballet for most of my life, I enjoyed it until, my parents pulled me out of the class.

Strike one.

Next, they gave all my video games and consoles to charity.

Strike two.

But the one thing that put the icing on the cake and really made me despise them was moving me out of Japan. Now, it's not just Japan itself that I was sad-no, devastated to move away from, it was the people. One person actually.

I can't remember her name or what she looked like, but she was my best friend turned lover. I was 8 at the time, but I've never felt anything towards anyone like I did for her.

She made me laugh, she made me happy, she made me feel loved and special. And I loved her with my entire being. I had my first (and definitely not the last) kiss with her. We were together for two years until my stupid family decided to move out of Japan with no warning.

I promised her I would be with her forever. Now that I'm older I can say that our "marriage" wasn't necessarily as legit as it could have been, it meant more to me than any diamond ring or riches the world could offer. Her just wanting me for me and taking the time out of her little world to be with me and learn everything about me was enough.

It was enough for me to know that I was enough for her.

And to just have the only thing you loved be snatched away from you without warning, no goodbye, anything. It hurts. It hurts like hell. And you can never fill or replace the hole in your heart.

I'll never get over my first love and as far I'm concerned, we're not broken up. I'm still hers. Forever.

*time-skippity do-da*

As I stand in front of this crowded school building I contemplate turning around and going somewhere else besides school, but before I could even turn around, a pair of hands were in front of my eyes.

"Guess who~" the person sing-songed

"I don't know, tell me who it is" I said with sarcasm

The person giggled. "Now Minari, what have I told you about ruining the fun?"

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