"And what about that girl, is she adopted." Regina's face morphs. She was getting angry. Yes she was Henry's birth mother but not Lydia's.

"That doesn't concern you, Mrs swan" It wasn't a no...Lydia thought. She had her suspicions, but decided to go up to bed.  she climbed into her small bed and drifted of into a light slumber.


As the sun came over the horizon, Henry and his sister just got to their play castle.

"Henry?" Lydia had been quiet most of the trip there so he looked up to face her as they jumped onto the castle. Henry gave a hum, acknowledging her and telling her to carry on

"A-am i adopted?" Tears started to build up in her eyes and Henry noticed. He gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well I will never know, but if you were, they are missing out. I mean, you're the best sister anyone could ever ask for!" He expressed with his hands making her let out a small giggle.

She dragged him into a little hug, and layed in comfortable silence. After 30 minutes, they heard footsteps. They thought it was their mother or Emma but surprisingly not. Lydia and Henry glanced up at the man who was walking towards them.

"Lydia, Henry Why aren't you at school." Mr gold asked. Usually, it wouldn't be none of his business but since it was his daughter, he had to ask.

"We didn't want to..." Henry replied, fiddling with his fingers whilst Lydia looked down.

"Well there should certainly be an answer for that" At this point, Gold was getting concerned. More for his daughter. For as he knew, She loved school so It came as a real shock seeing her skip.

"Parent issues" They answered sync looking towards the man. On the outside, he looked unfrazzled but on the inside he was worried.

"Well i would suggest heading home after your little cool down" the children nod at him before he left.

Henry and Lydia were at the castle for almost 2 hours until they heard footsteps. Both children still kept their gaze at the clock until Henry's mother, Emma sat down with them. She passed a book to him.

"You left this in my car..." Her voice went through the other ear for them. Emma looks at the view they were seeing.

"Still hasn't moved, huh?" She looked at both children with a small smile.

"I was hoping when I brought you back." He began looking directly at her. "That things would change hear and the final battl-"

"I'm not fighting any battles, kids" She interrupted him. Henry was still not convinced.

"Yes you are!" Henry looked over to his sister for help. She sighed

"You are because it's your destiny..." Lydia announced staring at the clock still. She never believed that magical fairy tales existed so lydia only pretended but, to her, it was still kinda interesting.

"You're going to bring back the happy endings." The sibling voiced nsync. Emma was beyond annoyed.

She first, was locked up, Dealt with an angry mayor and now she is listening to 2 10 year olds going on about how the storys in a book are real.

"Can you cut it with the book crap..." That was harsh... Lydia thought. Even though they're not real, at least try to act like it so you don't hurt a child with so much creativity.

"You don't have to be so hostile, I know you like us, I can tell" He had a small smirk, flinging his arm around his tired sister. Emma let out a small chuckle at his actions.

_*~Aaliyah Stiltskin~*_     OUAT Fanfic  | ON HOLD Sorry :(Where stories live. Discover now