A few more hours go by and our daughter is almost here. "That's a girl. One more push and you are all done." Her doctor says. "I can't do this." My wife says weakly and loses her grip on my hands. "Love look at me. You can do this. One more push and our daughter will be here in our arms." I say grabbing her hands again. She nods and pushes hard gripping my hand and screams. "That's it let go of one of your husbands hands and reach down. Both of you." Her doctor says looking at her. My wife and I both reach down and grab our baby and put her on my wives chest. "Oh my god." My wife says laying against the wall of the tub with our daughter on her chest and cries. "You just delivered your baby. Congrats." Her doctor says cleaning off our daughter who starts to cry and scream loudly on my wives chest. "You did it love. We have our beautiful baby girl Dahalia." I say looking at our daughter as I cut the cord and smile. "I did it." She says smiling up at my tiredly as the doctor takes our daughter. I smile and kiss my wife gently and stroke her hair. My wife kisses back and smiles tiredly slowly closing her eyes trying to fight the exhaustion that was coming over her quickly. "Don't fight it love. Your okay. Rest." I say gently and smile as the doctor hands me my daughter and then takes care of my wife. I hold her and smile down at her and rock her then let the nurse take her and do what she needs to. "Here's some clean and comfy clothes for her James." My mother says as I get my wife out of the tub and dry her off. "Thanks mom. Can you tell everyone that Dahalia is here?" I ask changing my wife and then pick her up bridal style and carry her to the bed. "Of course son." She says leaving and tells our family that Dahalia is here. I lay my wife on the bed gently and let her sleep as I take my daughter back in my arms. "Your daughter is healthy. She's eight pounds and seven ounces, 31 inches long and has all her fingers and toes. She was born September 3rd at 8:34pm." The nurse says. "She's a big and healthy baby." I say smiling widely and gently rock her as she cries. "Yes she is." The nurse says smiling and goes to help my wives doctor clean up. "Shhh dahalia it's okay. Shhh. It's me daddy." I coo softly calming her down and crawl into bed next to my wife and sit up holding her. My daughter calms down and sticks her tiny tongue out and coos softly trying to get use to the new world she was in. I smile and hold her against my chest as my mom comes in with my family on her phone. "James everyone wants to see her." She says. "Kay. But everyone needs to be quiet because one Hadaza is sleeping and two I just got Dahalia to calm down." I say showing my family our daughter. My family swoons over her and I can't help but smile at the fact that I have another daughter. My mother leaves the room as my wife wakes up. "Hi love." I say crawling in next to her and kiss her head gently holding Dahalia. "Hi. She's so tiny." My wife says looking at our daughter. I hand her to her gently and let her look at her and hold her. "She's an inch smaller then Autumn was when she was born. But she's healthy love." I say smiling and watch my wife gently hold our daughter against her bare skin. "She is. I can't wait for her sister to see her." She says smiling up at me. "I know. You are so beautiful love. I give you so much praise and credit for going through that." I say wrapping my arm around her shoulder gently and hold her against me. "Thank you. You really are the best husband in the world. I love you." She says looking up at me. "I love you. You are the best wife in the world." I say smiling and lay my head against hers softly and look down at our daughter laying against my wives chest. "I'm going to stay for a few days to help you out." My mother says causing us to look over at her and nod. "Thank you for everything mom." I say smiling at her. "Anytime." She says smiling and leaves the room. "Okay Hadaza you are going to be on bedrest for two full days and then you can start to move around slowly. Keep me updated if anything changes. I'll be back in two days to see how you are doing." Her doctor says. "Okay. Thank you." My wife says smiling and looks at her as the doctor leaves. I smile and cuddle with my wife and new born daughter who started to cry. "Awww what's wrong Dahalia? You hungry?" I ask stroking her cheek gently. Dahalia continues to cry and get louder. "Yeah your hungry. Okay lets do this." My wife says moving her hair out of the way and starts to breast feed Dahalia. Dahalia latches immediately and starts to eat. I smile and fix my wives hair so its out of the way so its easier for her to breast feed Dahalia. "She's like autumn. She latched on quickly and is eating right away like autumn did." She says smiling and looks up at me. "Yes that's one thing that our kids are good with. We don't have a problem with them eating. I know some infants have a hard time feeding and latching." I say smiling and kiss her head gently. "Yeah. One thing I know is that I am hungry." She says looking down and watches our daughter as she eats. "I'll go and get you some food while you feed our daughter." I say smiling and get up slowly and go and get her food. "How is she doing?" My mom asks as I walk into the kitchen. "She's doing good. She's tired and weak which doesn't surprise me. Dahalia is eating and Hadaza is hungry so I came down here to get her some food and let them have some bonding time." I say smiling. "Good. I'm so proud of you two. You guys have made yourself a lovely family. You and your brother have both made out good with your wives and family. We taught you well." My mother says smiling. "Aww mom we learned from you and dad. Thank you for raising us the way you did." I say smiling and hug her gently. "Your welcome. Thank you for finding a down to earth and loving wife who supports you with everything. Now go get your wife some food. Also autumn will be here later on tonight to see her baby sister." She says smiling and pulls away from the hug. "Thanks mom. I am so excited for autumn to meet her sister dahalia." I say smiling and make something for my wife and I to eat then head upstairs. Once I reached the top of the stairs I make my way to the bedroom and hear my wives voice. Quietly I walk in and see her gently rocking our daughter to sleep then lays her in the crib right near her bedside. "Hey love. I brought food." I say softly. "Thank you." She says situating herself and takes the food then starts to eat it. "Your welcome. How long did she feed for?" I ask sitting down and eat. "She fed for a good ten minutes." She says taking a bite of her food. "Good. So Autumn is coming home to see us. But she is going to be staying with Oliver overnight just so you and I can have time with our baby and ourselves." I say looking at her. "Good. I don't think I can handle a two year old and an hour year old baby at the same time after I just gave birth." She says laughing slightly and eats hungrily. "I understand. I forgot that you are very hungry after you breast feed." I say looking at her with a smile and eat. "Thanks James. That makes me feel so much better." She says rolling her eyes and giggles. I smile and kiss her head and eat. "Anything to see that beautiful smile on my wives face. I do anything for you and our daughters. I'm proud to call you my wife and to have two beautiful daughters with you." I say smiling. "I love you James. Your the best husband in the world and I am glad that I have two beautiful girls with you. We are stopping at two right?" She says looking at me. "Yes we are stopping at two love. Your body went through enough." I say smiling. "Oh thank you Lord Jesus." She says giggling. "Okay then maybe one more wouldn't hurt." I say playfully. She looks at me quickly and widens her eyes. "I'm joking love." I say quickly and reasure her. "Bloody hell James. Don't scare me like that." She says smacking my arm. "Owww. Man who knew that you would turn violent after giving birth." I say laughing. "Oh you are impossible. I'm going to try and get more sleep before she wakes up and before our other daughter comes." She says rolling her eyes and laughs. "Fine. I'll go clean up." I say taking our empty plates and leave the room letting my wife sleep and work with my mother.

James Phelps love storyWhere stories live. Discover now