ELEVEN: Panick attack

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Closing my eyes, seated on the edge of my bed I took deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves.

I focused on the slight breeze that came through my bedroom window. The birds singing their daily songs and Alex's voice screaming at Lindsey downstairs, telling her to stop throwing stuff.

School was brutal today, why did Alex think sending me to that place was ever a good idea.

The kids at that place, their like monsters, worse than Connor. I've always heard of kids being bullied at school but today I didn't hear it, I saw it.

Sighing I stand up from my bed and walk towards my window. Images flash through my head as I take a breath.

"Steph!" Maggie calls my name. Eyes wide, fear written clearly in it. She's out of breath like she's ran a marathon.

She pulls me infront of her as if I'm supposed to protect her from something, more like someone.

I wonder what she is up to right now. I didn't see her after everything that happened.

"Your nothing Maggie and will always be nothing." The girl sneers as the guy tightens his grip on her arm.

"Please Madison, don't do this I'm so sorry." Maggie whimpers in pain.

I look at the girl who stares at her back with hatred. A red mark on her face as if someone had hit her or slapped her.

She chuckles. "Poor thing, your pathetic."

"I promise I won't do it again just please tell him to stop his hurting me!" She begs tears streaming down her face.

I shake my head trying to get myself to stop thinking. I walk away from the window just as someone knocks on my door.

"Steph." Alex says softly and opens the door.

She gives me a look of concern. "Are you okay?" She asks and shake my head and walk towards her wrapping my arms around her.

"Don't worry sweetheart, whatever it is everything will be okay." She assures me like she always does.

Another slap sounds echoes through the hall. I feel my vision starting to blur as images from the past tries to fight it's way into my mind.

The guy pushes her against the locker and smiles at her while she beg him to let her go.

I slowly shake my head taking a step back as I'm reminded of the past again. "Worthless Maggie thought she could get away with slapping me." The girl looks at her with fake sympathy and starts laughing.

Her laughter, it's the same way the monster would laugh when he hit her.

My heart starts beating faster and I start to sweat as more images start popping up.

The guy picks Maggie up and throws her on the ground making her cry out in pain.

My throat starts to tighten as I begin to struggle for air. I know this feeling all too well. I begin to walk away from the scene making my way out the school doors, hoping no one will notice.

Everything start getting dizzy and I try my best not to fall.

I walk around the corner and slide down on the ground as the feeling gets worse. I feel my world slowly fading the only thing existing, the pounding of my rapid heart beat.

I hear someone call my name in the distance but I ignore it. I put my head against the wall and fight for air.

Suddenly I feel big soft but cold hands touching my face, stroking my cheeks. Green eyes.

Whispering soft words that I can barely make out. "Breathe." I do as the beautiful voice says and breathe.

"That's right in and out." I listen breathing in and out focusing on the green eyes infront of me.

"That's right red just like that." Softly stroking my hair and whispering soft words to me. The green eyed angel slowly pulls me out of my panic attack.

My breathing starts becoming normal and the dizziness fades away. The pounding slowly disappears.

He pulls me to his chest and I breathe in his minty scent. "Are you okay?" I nod my head.

He doesn't let go and keeps stroking my cheek and I hold him tighter silently thanking him.

"Are you hungry?" Alex asks, I shake my head.

"Okay." She says softly and stands up. "I can sense that you want to be alone right now so I'm going to go." I nod.

"I love you Steph." She kisses my forehead and walk out of my room. I lay back on my bed and blow out a breath.

I wonder what Jake is up to right now. Is he home comforting Maggie? Does he even know what happened to her?.

"Is this your first time?" I look at him confused.

"I mean, is this your first time having a panic attack?" I don't answer him right away only stare at him.

Seconds go by and I shake my head no, looking away fast.

Maybe I should go over and check on Maggie. After my whole incident at school I made Jake call Alex and tell her to pick me up.

I'll go over and just check how's she's doing.

Maybe I shouldn't, what if Jake is there. He probably thinks I'm a freak now.

I shake my head, no Maggie is my friend and I need to be there for her.

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