Dont Know what to do

Start from the beginning

"What is your lawyer's name?" I asked

"Evon." He said and the name sounded really professional, she sounds like she knows what she's doing, but I hope that when he talked to her... he stressed what has happened and how long he has been in this mess and how fast we have to move and honestly, I hope she didn't think it was a joke and offered to help jokingly. 

"How long do we have to wait? The cops are looking for you and me." I asked and he chuckled

"Don't worry too much about it, I'll deal with them when we come across them." He said all cocky and confident 

"We have to move fast if Evon doesn't do her job in time then we will," I said as I turned towards him looking him in his eye, he needs to realize that this isn't chill time, this is really something very horrible can happen. I hope we can put a stop to it, but we have to be strong if we can't.

"Evon gone get it done, I stressed to her what is going on and she believed me right at the start-"

"I feel like it's so much more we can do than just waiting on your lawyer, I can like disguise myself and try to find my mom and talk to her get her on my side so we can all-"

"You not doing none of that shit, you will get caught." He said as I laughed

"I'm just trying to help our situation," I said as it got quiet, and he pulled me close to him

"I know, we should like go out today, you know like something slight not to over the top-"

"Like what, we are wanted criminals, it's not much we can do outside of here," I said as he chuckled

"Girl, way before I was being hunted down, I was outside, disguises and all and even without them, I was outside, and nobody was checking for me." He said as I smiled

"Yeah, you weren't slick though honestly, they just didn't know where you lived which is dumb, it seems like you kind of do anything you want even give hints, and their still slow-"

"Yep, exactly why your mom hasn't found us yet and didn't know I was across the street and was messing with you like how did not notice that every day?" He asked as I crossed my arms

"My mom is not slow," I said

"I didn't say that." He said as he laughed

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked him as I thought because this seems dangerous, he's playing with our lives, it's probably maximum security everywhere they can get people to look for us.

"I want to take a walk; maybe go to the store you know-"

"Quickly," I said that was really my only thing, I didn't want to be out for long, the only person that has been going out for a short amount of time is Chris, he might know what he is doing. 

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