There goes mine and Harlow's little heart to heart.

"You can't just let yourself in here." I roll my eyes at them.

Harlow just chuckled quietly under her breath, presumably at how these guys have just welcomed themselves in and made themselves comfortable with no invitation to do so at all.

"Daniel has 150 guys, we've got at least 250, maybe 260 if some of the guys chose to take their brothers." Liam explains, "Daniels got his circle of that'll be after you Harry but you've got us plus Frank, and we've also got 100 more men in general so things are looking good.

I could feel Harlow tense up beside me but I hope she understands just how reassuring those little statistics Liam has given us are. We're outnumbering them by a lot and although Daniel's clever, he's not clever enough to outsmart a gang that has 100 more people than him.

"I'm excited." Niall exclaims, rubbing his hands together with a grin on his face. "You coming to watch, Harlow?"

"Are you fucking stupid?" Zayn adds from the floor, rolling his eyes at Niall.

"No. Harlow I'm gonna have you waiting at your club because it's closed on a Sunday and he won't expect you to be there." I say, taking Harlow's hand into my slyly, "I'll come get you when it's over and we'll take things from there."

Harlow nods her head in acknowledgment and squeezed my hand, biting the skin in her lips and listening to the conversation around her. I can tell she's anxious but she'll never admit that, so I guess all I can do is reassure her that it'll work out fine and if it doesn't, then we'll always have each other no matter what.

I don't care if I lose the whole gang, I don't care if I lose both legs and arms, as long as I've still got Harlow then it will all be fine.

"So basically what I'm hearing is, Harry is paying for pizza tonight, we're all getting wasted, lot's of drugs, lot's of drink, we're all getting laid, we're all going wild tonight." Louis suggests excitedly.

We have Liam who is an old man in the body of a guy in his late twenties who is in a stable relationship and also who's biggest concern is whether or not he watered his plants.

Then we have Louis who is a 17 year old boy in the body of a guy in his late twenties who thinks of nothing but destroying his liver and having sex.

Two completely different types of people.

Although I can't really sit here and criticise Louis when I used to snort coke and dabble in and out of heroin a few months back. Thankfully for me though, I realised my limits and I don't think Louis has done that yet...I don't think it'll be long until he does though.

I also don't want Harlow to have to see me in that horrible drugged up state again. Ever since that night I was throwing up in her office when she hated me, I decided she was never going to see me like that again because let's face it, it's not a very nice sight to see.

"No, I'm cooking for Harlow tonight so you're all leaving and giving us some peace." I tell them all bluntly.

Half of them let out a synchronised 'awww' whilst the other half looked at me offended. When I say half, I mean Louis and Niall were the ones looking at me like I'd just committed a crime by asking for some time alone with Harlow.

The thing is, Zayn is definitely much more like Niall and Louis than Liam and I, and it's definitely a lot like they're triplets, however Zayn's just the only one who has brain cells when he's sober.

"Why are you only making it special for Harlow? You know if you die we'll miss you too." Louis mumbles like a child.

So reassuring, especially to poor Harlow who's sitting here all anxious over the situation.

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