part 20

60 5 4

POV : minho

I've been looking into the mirror, staring at my face for about half an hour or so. sounds weird, but it's called self love. I just don't understand how someone can be this hot. I brush my hair with my fingers to neaten it up, making it look fluffier.

suddenly the sound of someone running up the stairs and into my room interrupted my important session.

"heyy minho hyung~, I'm gonna head out now, are you coming with me?" the deep voiced boy says after rushing into my room. "I've gotta go and get something first.. I'll catch up with you later" I replied.

"what? are you planning to ask jisung out or smth? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" the boy asked. "tsk, maybe~" I said while smirking. smirking... more like I was just acting all cool and stuff to hide the fact that he may or may not have just looked through my plan.

I grab my jacket and other necessities for today then headed out. it wasn't long before I've went and collected the thing I mentioned to Felix. I can't tell you guys what it is yet though of course.

since all of us coincidentally live close to each other, it only took a while for all of us to arrive and meet up at our selected location. I walk through the gates of the amusement park after buying my ticket, and saw the other two, jeongin and hyunjin waiting for me.

there was no conversation between us. I just walked up to them and then we walked together towards wherever we're supposed to be heading. I promise though, it wasn't awkward at all. you could say it's because of the fact that the three of us has been friends for so long. everything seems comfortable when we're together, no matter what.

we walked past the souvenir shop, which was quite close to the food court, also not far away from the entrance to this place. that's when I saw the person I've been wanting to meet ever since.. I don't even know. the others were there too, but that's not what I came here for.

I already feel like the luckiest man alive. there was so many chances of me texting someone else other than him.. I believe that this is fate, mwahahahehehehe

not gonna lie, I've basically planned the entire schedule for today. I was too excited last night that I couldn't sleep at all, knowing that I'd finally get to meet this squirrel-like boy. being why I basically made up a whole scenario of what would happen throughout this day. none of those thoughts would actually happen though, my imagination went a little bit too far yesterday.

I ditched my two best friends straight away and headed towards the "love of my life". I took about a billion deep breathes before I did so. everyone gets nervous, trust me.

I stood right in front of the younger, which luckily seemed a few centimetres shorter than me. I swear his cheeks are so adorable I can barely hold in the need to squish them.

I can clearly see his face becoming more of a pinkish colour.. he's seriously so cute. I can feel my heart start to beat 69 times a second, it's crazy. this is my chance to flirt (like I planned, of course)

"hey cutie" I said, hoping to make him even more flustered. I was born to be evil. I was born to tease my targets (sounds perverted).

I stare at him unintentionally, beginning to admire every single feature of him. his lashes, thick and long 🥴, clearly curved up from his eyelids. his nose, in such perfect structure, making him seem so perfect. nothing about him seems like a flaw to me. love at first site, 'once again' I guess.

it's been a minute, and the younger is still just standing there, stiff and silent. "hello?.." I say, trying to catch his attention once again. I hope he's not finding me intimidating, I don't want him to be uncomfortable, especially around me...

"hi" he finally replied, making me smile in relief. his voice, still as pretty as ever. if he were to be a singer.. or a rapper maybe, he'd definitely be my favourite out of the whole music industry. even if he lacks the skills of singing or rapping, my opinion would stay the same. I just admire his voice.

""you're more than I was expecting, jisungie. I didn't think that you'd actually be this pretty". I tried to flirt, again. just to make sure that he's falling for me.. there's no way that this day is ending without him drooling over my godlike visuals.

"don't call me pretty.. I'm not pretty" he said. oh hell no, he did not just say that. "uhh yes you are, don't be so negative, cutie ;)" yes, I winked at him. I'm seriously risking it all.

"who told you that I'm being negative? I said I'm not pretty because I'm a sexy madafuqa". oh boy, this little one is tougher than I though... he's trying so hard to seem like he's remaining calm. I like it. (he sounds so weird, I'd be so creeped out if I was jisungie)

"cmon.. the others had already left us" I scuffed, still not giving up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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