part 19

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what if
POV : jisung

yes, I'm nervous when I told myself not to be... but you know, sometimes it's just so hard to control your own feelings. especially when you're going out with 3 strangers that you've never met in real life. even thought we've been talking online, its still pretty scary. to be complete honest, I'm so afraid about everything that might happen today... like, what if I mess up and do something weird? I really don't want to leave a bad impression of myself to minho hyung.

"calm the shit down, han jisung. It's not like you're about to get executed or smth" changbin said. "WHAT THE FUK DO U MEANNN. First of all, I'm literally so calm right now. Second of all, I AM about to get executed. HAVENT YOU SEEN THAT WORK OF ART?? HIS LIPS, EYES, NOSE, EVERYTHING- IMAGINE seeing that man face to face"

"just get ready already, we've been waiting for you to pick out an outfit for like half an hour" the puppy barked annoyingly. (idfk what I'm typing :D)

- time skip to when they arrive :)) -

I'm holding onto changbin's sleeves for my life, wanting to run away but with no escape. I swear I'm going to be so embarrassing + minho's going to hate me. what if he doesn't like me in real life?? what if he finds me annoying? do I smell weird? look weird?.. do I-

"jisungie, you look perfectly fine. don't be nervous, minho would love you, okay?" chan hyung said to me, trying to calm me down (which did not work). "I probably look like a mess right now.. it's got to be bad.. you can literally tell how nervous I am without me saying it myself.. I doubt minho would like me."

"uH- eXcUse mE? YOU ARE FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. your aura screams of beAuTy, seXy, lUxuRy, sWeEt, hOt aSf, and wHatEvEr wOrDs tHat alSo eXisTs 😐🤌." the freckled boy exclaimed, brushing hand gestures everywhere and being the most dramatic person ever. but yet, his words always help. I mean, he is the one and only lee felix. (no offence to our channie cuz apparently he did not calm jisung down like felix did)

and of course, in the weirdest timing of time, the other 3 strangers had showed up. that's when I started panicking again, obviously.

and oh hell nah- the lee minho is walking towards my direction and I swear to god I am about to faint because of his beauty. plEaSe I must look so red right nowwww. UGH SJBSKWBSW can somebody please help?!? oh god he's so sexy please how is he real-

"hey cutie.." the male that's now standing in front of me said. I froze. I don't know what to say.. he's so pretty and his stare is so intimidating.. (in a good way). he makes me nervous, and even more now that we're actually face to face..

"hello?.." minho hyung said again.

"hi.." I finally gave in and said, while looking into his eyes. he just smiled. he fucking smiled. he smiled at ME. "you're more than I was expecting, jisungie. I didn't think that you'd actually be this pretty".

"don't call me pretty.. I'm not pretty" I said. "uhh yes you are, don't be so negative, cutie ;)" the older said winking at me, making my stomach twist. "who told you that I'm being negative? I said I'm not pretty because I'm a sexy madafuqa".

minho just scuffed. "cmon.. the others had already left us"



[you guys know what amusement parks are like, right?? so me being the laziest author in existence, I will not continue with the hangout. next chapter will be the same but in minho's POV </3]

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