"Geneva. I can see why you fell for her, she's so beautiful," Perfida said, Nyles looked at her a weird way.

"You saw Jen?"

"Yeah, I saw her, when she was trying to tell me about you and Roland... via dreams."

"Wow! so you don't just see ghost."

"I guess," she shrugged.

"What does your parents think when you...?"

"Oh! uhm... actually, they don't know."

"You haven't told your family?!"

"By family you mean my mom, stepdad and stepbrother, no but my grandpa and my half-brother does because they can see them too, except my grandpa, he can only hear them," she explained, Nyles gave her this 'really?' look "try telling your mom who is an astronomer and a stepdad, I repeat, a space marshall in AGA and they don't believe in these things anyway and as for my stepbrother well... my sister doesn't like him and also stepdaddy. Come on, don't give me that look, you didn't believe me at first."

"Okay, you have a point but don't you want to tell them?"


"Hey!" Hawkes called. "The car is fully charged, let's go" Perfida was somehow saved by that.


Hours later, they arrived at the hospital "we're here," Perfida sighed.

"Are you ready?" Hawkes asked Nyles.

"Yes," Nyles hesitantly said.

They walked inside the hospital then they found the room where Dominic was confined, Perfida opened the door and saw Archie "Papoli!" the twins ran to him and hugged him.

"Peachy! Purdy!" Archie could only embraced Perfida but of course, he knew that Perdita was there, Bryce and Harrison joined in the love. Nyles and Hawkes entered the room, Verona was freaking out as she saw him so she looked away so that he won't see her.

"Bryce, Harrison, I miss you guys," Perfida said to them.

"Thank you for bringing them here safetly, Hawkes," Archie thanked him and put his hand for a handshake, Hawkes shook his hand.

"No problem, sir," Hawkes smiled then Archie saw Nyles.

"You must be Nyles, hello, I'm Archie," Archie introduced himself to Nyles and put his hand out to him.

"I am familiar with you," Nyles was talking about TheWolf magazine but he shook his hand anyway "nice to meet you" then they all looked at Verona, she looked as if she was avoiding him "Verona" he greeted her in a blunt way, everyone was concern since the two don't meet eye-to-eye.

"Nyles," Verona greeted him in a distant way, her pride somehow got the better of her but agreed to be civil then Nyles saw Dominic's condition.

"Hello, ma'am, I'm Capt. Hawkes," Hawkes introduced himself to Verona. "I'm the one investigated Roland's case."

"Nice to meet you," Verona said back to him.

"Is that Dominic? what happened to him?" Nyles asked.

"I just saw him unconscious when I got to their house," Archie said.

"Roland, did this," Verona voiced.

"He did this?" Hawkes asked, Nyles gulped.

"Just yesterday, he put him in cardiac arrest," Archie added.

"Oh! my God," Perfida gasped.

"Serves him right for beating me up before," Nyles grumbled, everyone looked at him with shock.

Stellar Spectrum Book One: The Faceless Ghost Where stories live. Discover now