Chapter 6 - Just a kiss

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Fucking hell I can't concentrate.

I cannot concentrate on anything except Georgina. That pink hair, the tattoos, those fucking curves, bloody hell. I'm fucked, I'm totally fucking fucked. I'm trying my best to keep up the whole cocky persona that normally reels them in but shit, she's feisty as hell and she's been hot and cold with me all day. One minute I think she likes me the next I'm not so sure. Pull yourself together Scott. I'm never like this, who the hell is this girl and what has she done to me in a matter of hours?

The way she's looking up at me right now through those long lashes of hers, pouting her perfectly pink lips makes me want to bend her over right here and have my way with her any and every way possible.

"Everything okay?" Her brunette friend asks, breaking whatever this is going on between us and bringing us back to reality.

Georgina jumps and can't get away from me quick enough at her friends question.

"Oh Yeah Scar all good here" she grins and quickly glances at me as she says it and I watch her cheeks flush a lovely shade of pink.

Nice to know I definitely did that.

"It's your turn"

I step forward with Georgina as she takes her shot while our best friends drop behind thankfully still in there own little bubble giving me that extra one on one time I need.

"You know George" she glances up at me after taking her shot.

"Why fight this thing between us" I wave my hand between the two of us, "You know it. I know it. It's going to happen" I slide past her brushing against her arm as I do.

"And what exactly do you think is going to happen Scotty boy?" I even love when she calls me that ridiculous fucking nickname.

"Let me tell you what I think is going to happen." She stops me before I can even answer her, "You think you can work your charm with your sexy southern accent and I'll swoon at the terrible compliments that you give yourself more than me I might add and then what? I'll jump into bed with you before my flight home tonight. Come on lad, your good looking but I'm definitely not that easy."

Wait, She thinks I've got a sexy accent.


"Oh no no no, I'm not finished" what the hell.

"Your so fucking sure of yourself Scott, and I've got to admit it's a massive turn on for me" I fucking knew it.

"But that doesn't mean I'll drop my pants for you buddy and Even if I did.." she leans closer to whisper in my ear.

"I really don't think you could handle me"

She steps back quickly but not quick enough as I grab her by the waist pulling her closer once again.

"Game on princess" My dick twitches as I say it and even he knows I'm fucked.


I swear we've been playing mini golf for hours. There was karaoke on the 10th hole, we all sang along to maroon 5 - she will be loved and anyone who knows me knows I love karaoke so obviously I had to join in.
Georgina and I raised some brows when we sang together and since then it's like somethings clicked and we've got on like a house on fire.

The girl is fucking nuts but I swear I can't take my eyes off her, those ridiculously short denim shorts she's wearing don't help either, every time she bends over to pick up the ball I feel myself getting hard. And talk? Boy can she talk, once she starts she literally doesn't stop but the more she tells me about herself the more I want to know and I find myself weirdly opening up and telling her things I would never normally tell anyone.

"So G, did it hurt?" I ask her as we walk to the last hole.

She looks up at me confusion clear on her face, "did what hurt?"

"When you fell from heaven baby" she scoffs and rolls her eyes at me before sitting on the brick wall while Scarlett and Nate take there turn.

"What? You know that was a good one come on" we've joked like this the whole way around, I don't think I've actually laughed like this with a girl, ever.

"Hey Scar no cheating!" I nudge away her best friend as she tries to distract Nate. There's no way they're winning.

While we're still laughing I take the opportunity to place myself in the middle of Georginas legs as she sits on the wall. I put my back to her and her long tanned legs hang down on either side of me and it takes everything in me not to run my hands along them.

But then to my surprise I feel her gently lean her head against my back and then her fingers slowly start to trace the tattoo on the back of my neck. My whole body tenses for a moment unsure of what to do but then As I sink back into her and enjoy the feel of her hands against my skin I relax completely and it's as if we've always done this not like it's the first time.

Almost as quick as it started she stops and I spin around to face her all the while still standing right between her legs.

We're the same height with her sitting on the wall so her bright blue eyes instantly meet mine and I can't help but smile, this girl is beautiful. She's so different to anyone I've been with before, she's got the looks yeah but her personality, her personality is the fucking best. Who the fuck says that? Me. That's what she's done to me in a matter of hours, this girl is good.

"What you thinking about in there" she taps the side of my head gently and I can't help but think how her hands would feel tangling in my hair.

"Your beautiful George" did I really just say that with a serious face?

"Piss off" she chuckles and I can tell she's taken back by what I've said.

"Nah, I mean it. I've never met anyone like you before."

"Pulling out all the lines today aren't we" she grins.

I sigh, "Yeah you got me" I can't help but feel disappointed that she still thinks I'm playing her.

"Oh Scott relax, I'm joking" she pushes at my shoulder and before I can even react her lips are on mine, I'm so taken back by it that all I can think about is how fucking soft they are as she gently nibbles on my bottom lip before pulling away way too soon.

I'm so fucking shocked that all I can do is stare at her as a cocky grin spreads right across her face. "Oh shit" she starts to chuckle at the expression on my face. "I knew you were just all talk s-"

I slam my lips back on to hers before she can even finish that sentence. There's no way she'll ever think I'm all talk, no fucking way.

I grab the back of her neck moving her head back slightly and She gasps at the sudden contact. Using that to my advantage i slip my tongue inside and she hungrily fights back working her mouth against mine. It's like we're both fighting for dominance because we're both so used to being in charge and then her fingers brush through my hair, pulling slightly at the root as she lets out a little moan. It's then I know I'm fucking finished, she's won. She pulls away but not before she nips my bottom lip with her teeth. I will gladly submit to this woman.

"And that's just from a kiss" she says with a ridiculous grin on her face as her eyes move slowly down my body to the raging hard on that's poking through my shorts.

I can't speak, I literally have no words.

She slides down the wall so her body is pressed firmly against mine and she tilts her head back so she's looking right at me with those piercing blue eyes of hers. "If my mouth can do that kissing up there" she gently presses her fingers to my lips before slowly dragging them down my chest, "imagine what it can do down here" and then her small hand palms me through my shorts and it takes everything inside of me not to blow my load right there in my pants like a teenager who's just discovered porn.

"Fuck" i groan, then she steps to the side and walks away from me leaving me standing over here with a rock solid cock like this thing between us didn't even happen.

What Happened That Day (Part of the 'That Day' Series)Where stories live. Discover now