"Classic carnival game." Hermione told as they watched the children in front of them play the game. "You see that over there?" the bushy-haired girl asked as she pointed towards the table where three pointy objects were seen, the Ravenclaw nodded in response.

"Those are the darts, you get three. You throw them towards the balloons on the wall there and when they pop they reveal a score, the higher the score, the bigger your prize." the bushy-haired girl told as Y/N hummed understandingly.

"How about this." The Ravenclaw spoke as she turned to Hermione smirking. "Let's have a bet." she continued as the bushy-haired girl playfully rolled her eyes and smirked, "Sure, what's the bet?"

Y/N smirked widened as she shrugged playfully, "Whoever wins gets..." she trailed off as she looked around her surroundings, her eyes landing on a certain booth as she pointed to it, "that, that looks delicious."

Hermione chuckled, "They are delicious, those are caramel apples." she told as she glanced to the Ravenclaw. "So we got ourselves a bet?" Y/N questioned competitively as the girl nodded, "Bet."

Then, they made their way towards the 'Balloons and Darts" booth as the Ravenclaw volunteered to play first. She followed her instinct throughout the three dart causing three balloons to pop as the booth operator cheered, "A total of 120 points!"

The Ravenclaw smirked as she turned to the bushy-haired girl and tilted her head, "Your turn.". The bushy-haired girl scoffed as she stepped forward confidently and grabbed the three darts, three pops sounded as she threw the darts.

The booth operator muttered calculations to himself before he turned and grinned at the bushy-haired girl, "140 points!" he beamed as he grabbed a small stuffed animal from the top of the booth and handed it to the bushy-haired girl.

"You're joking!" Y/N groaned as the bushy-haired girl snickered beside her. "Seriously, you call yourself a prophet?" Hermione mocked playfully as the Ravenclaw rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Oh shut up, Granger." she grumbled as the bushy-haired girl snickered. They made their way to the Caramel apples booth as Y/N ordered for one and paid with some Muggle money she'd asked from her mum since she had them for grocery shopping.

The man gleefully handed one caramel apples to the Ravenclaw who accepted them with a 'thank you' before motioning back to the bushy-haired girl and handing out one to her, "Here." she murmured lowly.

"Thanks." the bushy-haired girl responded as she accepted the snack with her empty hand. She took a bite and hummed in satisfactory intentionally teasing the Ravenclaw as she let out a huff and crossed her arms together.

"Don't be a baby, Love, you lost the bet that you created." Hermione retaliated as she continued to enjoy her caramel apple. The Ravenclaw only rolled her eyes as the bushy-haired girl snickered and motioned the snack in front of the girl, "Fine, take a bite."

Instantly, Y/N lit up as she took a bite, the taste of sweet caramel and the juiciness of the apple melting into her tastebuds as she fluttered her eyes closed and hummed in satisfaction. "This is delicious."

The bushy-haired girl snickered as she nodded in agreement, "It is isn't it?" she responded as they started walking down a few booths. The Ravenclaw kept looking around as she observed each and every booth, each one fascinating her even more.

"You know, Mum would love to be here, she works for the Muggle department in the Ministry." Y/N mentioned. The bushy haired girl nodded as she took another bite of her caramel apple, "Mhm, so would Mr. Weasley. We should bring them here one day. Perhaps it'll help with their work too."

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