"You good Seungmin? You look a bit shaken up." Minho met Seungmin's eyes in the rearview, only breaking contact every few seconds to focus on the road.

Seungmin murmured something only he could understand leaving silence resonating in the car.

They returned to Seungmin and Chan's dorm where the two left Minho to get some rest. Seungmin asked Chan for another pair of clothing to sleep in where Chan happily accepted. He apologized numerous times and swore to pay him back whenever he got a job.

"No need Seungmin, I have too many clothes so you can just take them whenever."

"But, they are expensive!"

"They are not that expensive..." Seungmin could tell he was lying. The two articles of clothing Chan gave him the other day cost more than his outfit he came to Prism in.

"Yes, they are! I promise to pay you back."

"Seungmin!" Chan's voice was cutting and harsh, making Seungmin shut up. "It's fine alright?" Chan let out a breath before walking into his room.

Seungmin felt like a burden to Chan, he didn't feel like he was providing enough for the older. He reluctantly changed into the clothing with Chan's aroma infused with the threads that brought an unfamiliar warmth for Seungmin. He clutched the clothing closer to his body, feeling how the scent caressed him softly through his maze of thoughts.

Morning came and went where Seungmin made breakfast for himself and Chan, hoping the older would like his cooking. Seungmin's breakfast was a single sunnyside up, while he made Chan a french omelet with a brewed coffee containing a bit of cream inside. He closed the recipe book that resided by the kitchen island and prepped the table before Chan rose from his slumber.

Chan soon was out of bed, walking to the kitchen area to the captivating scent of eggs and freshly brewed coffee filling up the dorm.

"Did you make this for me?"

"Yes! I'm not sure if you will like it. I didn't know if you eat a bunch at breakfast, so I'm sorry if I didn't make enough food. You can eat my fried egg if you are still hungry!" Chan shook his head at the comment.

"Oh, Seungmin. This is more than enough for me, thanks."

The two finished their plates, making small talk throughout the meal talking about their schedules at the school where they will both start their first semesters. Chan gave Seungmin some school supplies and a pale pink backpack to use at school. The two went down to the parking garage where Chan's car was parked in the valet parking. Minho couldn't drive them today because he was a bit busy, but Seungmin didn't mind since he didn't want Minho to be in any sort of trouble.

They arrived at the school where they split paths heading to their first periods that were about to start in around 15 minutes.

Seungmin walked into the classroom and was met with the professor's back towards the rows of desks with about 5 other students in the room. One of the students was a guy who had blonde hair, a scar on his nose, and knives, one was a girl with a scythe, and the rest were girls that bore swords. He sat at a desk towards the back of the class where he settled his pink bag against the legs of the desk, pulling out a spiral notebook and pencil.

The lecture started, a majority of the content contained the basics of containing your energy to utilize the resource during any situation. Seungmin was the youngest of his class where he struggled the most in finding that sweet spot of his core. The blonde boy noticed his trouble and made his way towards Seungmin.

"You need some help?" The boy's deep and rich voice contrasted with his soft features which accentuated his freckles that dotted his nose bridge and cheekbones.

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