However, he smiled slightly and shrugged at the look Jace gave him.

I smirked.

Magnus patted my head as he passed me, looking at Clary "Come with me"

Magnus led Clary into another room and I followed. I had the feeling Magnus wasn't going to let me summon a demon.

But it didn't hurt to try.

"Everyone want the Mortal Cup" Magnus told her. "Don’t trust anyone, especially not the Clave"

"Then why should I trust you?" Clary questioned.

"You shouldn’t" I quipped.

Magnus flickered the side of my head, seemingly annoyed but I knew he wasn't. "Only trust yourself"

Magnus handed Clary a package with chalks.

Clary examined the chalks "These chalks are beautiful. What are they for?"

"If a person wants their memories returned, they must draw the pentagram to summon the demon" Magnus explained, showing her a drawing of a pentagram "I can walk you through it, if you like"

Clsry stared intently at the drawing for a few seconds, "I got this"

My smile grew slightly. Clary was a great artist. I had no doubt she was going to bring to life this pentagram.

Magnus smiled and I knew him well to detect a slight pride glimmer in his eyes. He held his hand up to the other room to Jace "Shadowhunter… Prepare Clary as best you can"

Jace walked closer, looking at Clary "The memory demon is a Greater Demon. The rune will be far more powerful than anything you faced so far"

Clary looked determined, "Do it"

Jace pulled out a wand looking stick. Stele was called. It gave them their runes, their Shadowhunter powers.

"This might sting" Jace warned.

Magnus pulled me away from the room as soon as Jace began to draw the rune on Clary's skin making her scream.


While Clary drew the pentagram, I joined Magnus as he again read through the summoning to make sure he wasn't missing anything important.

I tapped my fingers on the counter, counting the seconds.

"No, you're not" Magnus said without looking. I looked down at him. "Cupcake, I can feel your anticipation into joining the summoning"

"But-" I trailed off.

Magnus raised his eyebrows, "It's too dangerous. Besides, I know you didn't even try convincing Clary, sweetheart. Had you tried, we wouldn't be doing this right now" I stared at him innocently. "Also, you've been in too much danger today to add more"

Magnus flashed me a pointed look.

I sighed, the look telling me to better not lie. I glanced to where Alec stood with Isabelle. They had to be siblings for sure. The dark hair, the way they interacted.

"He uh, saved me" I said lowly, looking down. Magnus paused, staring down at me "I let my guard down for a moment. There was a baddie in front of me. I didn't notice the one sneaking up behind me. Alec did. He came just in time like a damn knight in a shimmering armor with a bow instead of a sword and killed the dude before he could kill me"

Magnus' gaze went to the Shadowhunter, a thoughtful and interested expression on his face, "He did, huh?" I nodded slowly. He turned to face me, sighing softly. "And that's why I have to say no. I don't want to imagine you getting hurt. I'd never forgive myself" I looked down. "But, there's something you can do. How's your magic in containing spells?"

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