road work ahead? uh yeah i sure hOpe it dOes pt 2

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When the family finally deemed Dick clear to stand up and go home, he was pulled to his feet and promptly toss over Jason's shoulder. They all began to march back to their cars and cycles, but not before Dick spared one last look at Wally-- a look full of sadness, heartbreak, and despair-- leaving Wally to wonder just what the fuck he'd done and how he was going to fix it.

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"Ah, Wallace," Alfred opened the front door to see the ginger standing there with an antsy expression and an anxiously tapping foot. "How may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Dick," Wally replied, voice ridden with worry.

Alfred looked hesitant, glancing behind him as if making sure he was truly alone. "I'm not entirely sure that's a good idea, young sir. I'm afraid you've made more than one hit list in the house following last weeks events."

Wally sighed, looking down at the ground for a moment before meeting Alfred's gaze once again. "I don't care. I'd rather die a painful death than leave things how they are. I need to talk to him.

Alfred exhaled softly, but opened the door for the redhead to enter. "Very well, sir."

Wally didn't waste any time stepping inside and immediately super-sped up the stairs to the doorway he knew to be Dick's. He knocked softly, not the least bit surprised when four of Dick's siblings answered.

"What?" Damian growled, shooting Wally a death glare.

"I need to talk to Dick," Wally replied anxiously.

"You aren't welcome here," Jason narrowed his eyes at the ginger. "I suggest you leave before we lose our patience."

"Beat me up," Wally exhaled exasperatedly. "I don't care. I just really, really need to talk to Dick-- alone."

"Oh, fuck n-"

"Let him in," a voice echoed from inside the bedroom, making Damian, Jason, Cass, and Tim all exchange a hesitant look. Tim turned back to the owner of the voice.

"Are you sure, bud?"

"Yeah," the voice replied softly, making the siblings sigh but, ultimately, do as asked and leave. As soon as they were gone, Wally rushed into the room to see his favorite blue-eyed boy reading a book in the windowsill. Wally's heart just about beat out of his chest as those blue eyes turned to look at him. "Can I help you, Wally?"

"Uh-" Wally gulped and moved forward hesitantly. "I need to talk to you, Dickie. I need to try to fix things."

Dick looked nervous, but nodded, urging the redhead to go on.

"Okay..." Wally exhaled softly, taking a seat next to his ex in the window. "I want to explain things to you, Rob. That's... well, that's the least you deserve and I'm sorry I didn't take the time to do it the first go around." He took a moment to compose himself, "Dick, you mean a lot to me. You always have and always will. You're my best friend and, for a time, my boyfriend. I never have and never will regret being in that relationship. I think it shaped both of our lives for the better and I loved every second of it. But... I think somewhere along the line, I fell out of love with you. That doesn't mean I don't respect you or value you anymore. I just... I don't have those feelings for you like I used to and it's not fair to you or to me to keep a relationship like that going. I didn't want to hurt you, Dickie. I would never want to hurt you. You mean the world to me. I- I would give anything up for you-- which is why I couldn't date you anymore. Stringing you along is the worst thing I could ever do to you. But... I- I know I handled things wrong when I ended it. I was insensitive and rude and a dick and you deserve so much better than that. I'm really, really sorry, Dickie..."

Dick was dead silent for a moment. Wally even worried he wouldn't say anything. But, finally he spoke. "I know it's not your fault you fell out of love-- I know it's not. It just... it happened a lot sooner than I had hoped it would. I wasn't ready to say goodbye and apparently you were. I- I know you did the right thing. I'm glad you were honest instead of stringing me along. But-" his voice cracked as tears began to fall down his cheeks, "you- you really hurt me, Walls. I don't think I've ever been in this much pain in my entire life. I miss you-- so fucking much."

Wally felt his own tears began to form in his eyes as he pulled Dick into a tight embrace, running his fingers through the younger boy's raven curls. "I'm so sorry, Dickie. If I could take away your pain, you know I would. I just don't know how..."

Dick remained quiet, just sobbing into Wally's chest for the better part of twenty minutes. When his tears finally began to subside, he pulled away from the redhead and looked up into those green eyes that he so adored. "I don't want to lose you, Wally. Even if I can't have you as a boyfriend, I want you in my life. I can't- I can't lose you."

Wally immediately nodded, a warm smile spreading on his lips. "I don't wanna lose you either, Dickie. When you think you're ready to go back to being friends, I'll be here for you."

"I love you, Walls," Dick buried his face in Wally's jacket once again. Wally sighed softly, rubbing circles on the smaller boy's back.

"I love you too." And, unlike those last few weeks of dating, he actually meant it. He truly loved Dick, but as a friend. And that would never change.

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