Chapter three:Scarlet picture

Start from the beginning

I signed. ''Well, guess we have to go to class now.'' I said standing up and saving my schedule in my backpack.

They both stand up as well.

'' Mark don't worry, you don't have that class at Tuesday.'' Scarlet said

I gave her a series look. '' Tomorrow is Tuesday.''

She laughed. ''opssss''

Carl approach to me. '' man don't worry about it, if  he ever insult or hurts you, or anything you can tell me so I can beat his ass.''

I laugh and so did he.

I'm serious, through.''

''I will, thank you Carl.''

'' aww, you such an guardian angel aren't you.'' Scarlet said pinching at one Carl's cheek.

He shoved off her hand with a chuckle. '' i'd like to call it being guardian angel and a good friend.'' He smiled and I and Scarlet return it.

Time flawed fast

School went by quite quickly. It wasn't so hard after all, except for the part where I had introduce myself to the class as the new student, That sucked, I hated introducing myself.

I hang out with Scarlet and Carl in lunch break. It was nice being with them. Occasionally I would see Ethan group walking around. I felt scared only by seeing theme approaching, but for some reason I kindly looking at Ethan for a brief moment. Even through he was jerk to me.

I tried to avoid them as best as I could, but then I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow.

He was going to be in my same classroom. That would make avoiding him more difficult, I didn't know what was going to happen.

I excited through big doors to the yard, with my friend at my sides. I felt little bossy right now, with me in the middle and my friends following me like I'm their leader r something.

Carl turned to us once we went down the step. '' Hey guys, can I have your number? I'm going to add you to a group.'' He said as he pulled out his phone.

'' A group? about what? Scarlet said confused.

''Oh, nothing, really. Just to keep in contact between us three, ask for the homework, tak about stuff and something.''

'' Ok ''

''We're going to call it...'' Carl said while thinking a name.

'' The final threesome'' Scarlet said completing Car said and we three laugh.

''OK guys, I'll add you when I get home. So, see you two tomorrow.''

WE said our goodbye and then Ge walked away.

''So Mark...''Scarlet started as we walked towards the road where my aunt would pick me up '' About the problem with Ethan and his friends....''

'' What about it?'' I asked.

''I just don't want you to think I planned that thing, because really, It wasn't my intension and I'm really sorry.''

To be honest, I didn't what to think about her, but guess she was sincere about it. I would fell bad If I rejected her apology. She had already apologies through, maybe she just wants to make sure I forgive her.

''Don't worry about that, Scarlet, once more I forgive.'' I said and gave her an reassuring smile.

'' Aw, thank you so much, Marky.'' She pinched at my cheek quite strongly.

''Ow!'' I said shoving her hand away. ''Be more gentle!''

She just laughed. ''Sorry, I like pinching cheeks.''

''No doubt,'' I said rubbing my cheek.

We kept walking until we stood by the road, watching the cars passing by.

''Now, Marky......about Ethan himself...''she said slowly

''Yeah?'' I replied waiting for her to continue. Although I knew what she was going to say.

''Do you really like him or something? don't worry I'm not going to judge you, you can be sure about that.''

There she goes with the question. Well yes I kinda like him, but I wasn,t going to tell her yet...I couldn't trust her just now.

''No, Scarlet I don't like him.''

But maybe she already suspected by the way I was looking at him in the morning.

''ok. Well, if that's the case, then there's no reason for him to hate you,the problem is the he already thinks that you like him, and getting that idea out of his head will be so damn hard.''

''Yeah I know.'' I simply said, not wanting to keep talking about this and just looked to the road.

''You're waiting for someone?''

 ''Yes, my-oh, there  she is.'' I said as I recognized my aunt's carl approaching she parked a few feet from us.

''Is that your mum?''

''My aunt.'' I corrected 

''Oh, your aunt. Ok, so I'll see you tomorrow, Marky. take care.'' She gave me a small hug.

''yeah, you too. See you.'' I patted her back and she smiled, walking away.

I waked to the car and entered.

''hey'' I greeted

''Hey, how was school? Who was the girl you were talking to? My aunt asked while she kept her eye on scarlet who was walking.

 ''She's my friend, scarlet.''

''Oh, you made a new friend? She said as she started the car.

''Actually two her and a boy, Carl.''

''That's very nice, mark! I told you, you would make a lot of friends! well you only made two but that's more than fine, you should bring theme home someday.''

''yeah, I'll see''

not only hade I made two friends, but also five enemies, and I have a crush on one of theme.

and his name his Ethan Knight.

 Hello to you all I'm just going to say that hope you all doing good.

I hope you like it and thank you for reading it and I hope you love theme.

please vote it and comment down below for any suggestion for the next chapter.

Don't worry I will publish the fourth chapter immediately after I finish writing it.

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