"Don't you think I know that" Sam scoffed, "but right now I have something bigger to deal with" Sam said.

"Flag smashers?" I asked.

Sam nodded and walked towards the plane which was ready for him.

"I think they might be part of the big three" Sam said.

"Big three?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Aliens, androids and wizards" Sam stated.

"There is no such thing as the big three" Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Dr Strange" Sam stated crossing his arms over his chest.

"Dr Strange is a sorcerer" Bucky shrugged.

"A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat" Sam smirked causing both Bucky and I to roll our eyes.

I sighed and shook my head at the two boys arguing.

"So what we are going to go fight gandalf?" Bucky said his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Wait you've watched lord of the rings?" Sam asked shocked.

"He read it the original in 1939" I stated a small smile played on my face.

Bucky nodded. Sam shrugged his shoulders and kept on walking entering the plane. We followed him.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"We're helping obviously" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

Sam opened his mouth to speak but shook his head continuing his talk with a man dressed in an army uniform.

After he was done talking Sam walked over and took a seat across from Bucky the two having some weird intense staring competition. I looked between the two, they were obviously trying to psych eachother out or some other weird man thing. The amount of testosterone in that room was crazy.

"Seriously boys" I rolled my eyes standing up.

"Hey Buck started it" Sam said lifting his hands in mock defense.

"Don't call me that" Bucky shook his head.

"Why not Steve calls you that" Sam shrugged.

"You're not Steve or my sister" Bucky said through gritted.

"Buck calm down" I said.

Bucky rolled his eyes and looked away. I stood up and walked over to where Sam was now standing.

"Sorry about him" I apologized.

"It's fine I get it" Sam said looking over to Bucky.

"Steve meant alot to Bucky, alot to both of us" I sighed.

"You knew Steve?" He asked.

"Of course I did" I said.

"He never mentioned you" Sam said.

"Doesn't suprise me" I muttered.

Sam tilted his head to the side a look of confusion on his face.

"Steve thought I was dead and Buck did too up until a few years ago" I admitted.

"Oh" Sam said.

"I don't really like talking about it" I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Understood" Sam said giving me a half smile, which I returned.

"Two minutes until drop zone Falcon" The soldier interrupted.

A hatch opened and I stepped back, Sam pulling on his goggles and straightening them across his face.

"So what's the plan?" Bucky asked.

Sam didn't reply, he simply smirked and stayed silent.

"So no plan?" I asked.

"I have a plan" Sam answered.

"It doesn't seem like it" Bucky said.

"Just trust me" Sam rolled his eyes.

"No I trust Steve and Steve always had a plan" Bucky said angrily.

I placed my hand on Bucky's shoulder calming him down.

"I've got this" Sam said.

He then leaned back out of the plan, extending his wings and flying off ahead of the jet.

"He's not Steve Buck" I said.

"I know Y/n I just, I just miss him and the only thing I had left was his shield" Bucky said sadly.

I rubbed his shoulder and offered him a comforting smile, he nodded and stood up not saying any more on the topic. We both walked towards the opened hatch ready to jump out.

"It's too low for a parachute" The soldier said.

"We won't need one" I replied.

Bucky ripped off one of the sleeves of his arm revealing his black and gold vibranium arm. The man instantly suprised.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded and with that we leapt out of the plane.

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