Chapter 19

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For the past one month Alex and i have been going out ,  He looks okay now , and today he promised me that he will stay at my house, It's raining outside and he is still not yet here , Suddenly i heard a knock " Hey Ash , Alex here " . i quickly ran and opened the door , He suddenly gave me a sloppy kiss  , i giggled  " Alex let's make dinner".


Alex and i were making pancakes for dinner , it was all his suggestion , i mean why would he want pancake for dinner i mean is'nt it suppose to be for like breakfast , anyway Alex is doing something with the flour and i don't get what he is doing , suddenly he runs the flour on my face " ALEX !! What the heck ". I took flour and rub it on his face too ,he groaned and started chasing me , He  caught me and started tickling me , i was laughing really hard now " A-- Alex stop hahahahahaha  i can't bre--breathe ". I am really sensitive " Okay Okay fine ". He stopped , we are both laying on the floor now he looked at me and kissed me , I felt tears on my cheek ,.wait tears i'm not crying am i " Alex why are u omy gosh why are u crying ". I wiped his tears " I'm not , i just want to see you laugh , it makes me happy ". I started laughing " There you happy now ? "  . I smirked at him " Oh Ash , i did'nt mean like that , You'll just look crazy ". He giggled " Whatever , I love You ". I smiled , i am really happy he is here with me " I love you too ". He kissed me again and the doorbell ringed " Crap It's Meg , and this place is a mess ".

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