Chapter 18

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2 years later

After i went away from the Ford's House , I never got to talk to Alex ,  I cried myself to sleep every night , I went back to school and everyone was normal except me , It's my final year in Highschool , And i really wish Alex could attend the Graduation , It really hurts to know that i can't see him , His Sister Gretchen , told me that Alex went on a vacation , But who the heck spends two years on a vacation , I miss him so much


3 weeks later

" O M G !! , You won't believe this Ashley ". Meg screamed at me " Meg Chill Out what is it ". I screamed back at her , i don't even underatand what's making her so bubbly " ALEXANDER FORD IS BACK !!! ". She screamed louder this time making me flinch , Because she is screaming so loud and mostly because i can't even believe what i am hearing " Are u serious , i mean it's been two years , where is he , is he okay , why did he leave for long ". i started asking her so many question " I think it's time for you to Chill out "  She giggled " I don't know anything , all i know is that Dylan posted on his facebook status that Alex is back ". She continued " Can you go to Dylan's Timeline maybe we can see --- ". I stopped talking , my heat stopped , tears were falling , meg was also sad  " WHY THE HECK IS ALEX LOOKING LIKE THIS !!! MEG MEG WHERE IS HIS HAIR , WHY IS HE SO IN THE HOSPITAL ". I sobbed , but my tears reduced when i saw  Dylan's caption stating " HE IS FINALLY BACK , Thank GOD he is okay , Just a little bit sick , he could'nt eat but now he can , Thank God . Phew i sighed , i can't imagine what woukd happen to me if Alex was'nt okay , But i still have to check on him

" Ash I was so scared, Yes i hate Alex cause he is a Family Enemy , but woah i pity his appearance he looks pale ". She spoke sadly " Nah atleast he is okay , i think i'll go visit him soon he has a lot of explaining to do". I sighed


4 Days later

I am sitting right beside Alex and i've been here for about 30 minutes ,  i just want to hug him tight , but he is still looking straight , why is he acting as if i am not around . I guess i have to wait for his explanation " Alex are you okay " I sighed " OH MY GOSH ASHLEY , I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH ". I heard a scream and i was suprised Alex was looking at me , with a big grin on his face  , i looked at him with a confused look , He just pulled me and hugged i did'nt know till a tear fell down from my eyes , I really do miss him " Alex i miss you , where have you been". i pulled from the hug " Nowhere". he grinned back at me , and now i am really getting confused " Nowhere?". I asked him back " Yup Nowhere , Well i think i was in your heart all along ". He smiled at me , i giggled " No silly , i mean where have u been all along , It's two years you know , and i waited for you i never cheated on you , i thought you were never coming back ". i sighed , i've been sighing a lot lately " I was on a Th --- , Vacation , i went on a vacation , It was fun but i miss you " . He smiled back at me , i really don't understand why he was kn a vacation for that long but i trust him so i hugged him  " Let's make up to those years we have'nt been together , let's make more memories ". He whispered to my earlobe sending shivers down my spine

" Okay Love , Let's do this "  .

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