momentary- marichat

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"i don't understand." marinette spoke, just of the range of the other students.

"the one fucking time that everythings perfect-and i say that a lot. everything was perfect. i-i finally wanted to tell him, i had the adrenaline, the motivation, all of the signs were telling me, nathalie wasn't even picking him up for another hour." marinette stuttered throughout her speech with anger.

"but then mr. ramier. mr. ramier just had to have a little bit more negative emotions than usual. this is the 53rd time we've saved him this week alya. it was perfect."

"i know m," alya replied. "but you know that if it were 'the perfect time,' then an akuma wouldn't show up. duty calls."

"you know that everyday of my life i think of how much easier my life would be if i left that miraculous in your bag." marinette said.

alya knew this, but knew even more that the guardian made the correct choice in choosing marinette. she responded nonetheless.

"i am well aware."


marinette finally made her way home later that night when it was getting dark out. luckily last night ladybug was on patrol so chat noir would be out instead. she got to the bakery and up to the apartment and her room. the golden light in the windows was nice, gentle. it calmed her down a bit. reluctant to do her work, marinette decided to just go up to her bed, to think a little. tikki promptly flew out of her cardigan.

"i'm sorry marinette. i know it hurts." tikki said, attempting to cheer her up.

"no, no, it's fine. i just don't know how i let this little crush spiral so much. it was just a stupid umbrella."

marinette turned toward the left side of her bed, where all of the photos of her friends hung. she looked at adrien. they don't ever talk about love in the negative way, only through breakup songs or sad tumblr posts. they never talk about how it feels. how it feels to constantly want to tell someone that they dream of you every night, fall apart when they see you- but never having the time, effort or confidence to do so. marinette just wanted to let it out. she no longer feared rejection. but just looking at him hurt. bright hair and eyes, she felt them stare right through her.

"why'd you have to be a model, dammit." she said, turning away from the photos.

marinette ultimately opened the door to the roof, she realized that staring at photos wasn't going to make the past change itself. at least the balcony was quiet, she could find a way out of this, out of the lies, the heartbreak. all something that she can't ignore but silence for a moment.

that moment of silence lasted a while. just marinette and her thoughts. unfortunately, it would be only then where she would be alone.

"marinette..." she heard a voice from the corner of her ear, already well aware of who was there. quiet. monotone. deep. soft.

"good evening chat." she answered.

"and good evening to you as well." chat responded.

it was every week or so that chat would visit, whether that be knocking on her window, talking while on patrol, or those momentary silent france nights. marinette enjoyed talking to chat noir just as herself, not ladybug. it gave her the chance to see chat noir without an unrequited love resting above every move that they made. marinette wasn't ladybug.

adrien knew he left around 23:00 for patrol, it was around 1:00 now.

"so what are you doing out so late? or i suppose early." her asked.

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