Pt.2 Who is Viggo?

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A/n: This is a time skip to were you found out Heather was spying on the hunters and were you know Ryker isn't the leader of the dragon hunters but someone named Viggo is their leader instead.

You and the riders were sitting in the club house, the twins doing well twin things, Snotlout trying to impress you while you were ignoring him, Hiccup and Fishlegs discussing things about the dragon eye, and Astrid sharpening her axe. You stood up and walked past Snotlout who just huffed and walked over to Astrid. D/n walked over to you and stared at you with his e/c eyes. "Whats the matter boy?" You kneeled next to him and he shoved his head into your chest making you loose your balance and fall over. He grunted then ran over to Stormfly and Toothless and started to play with them as you stood back up a terrible terror flew in and dropped a letter. Hiccup picked up the letter and read it out loud. "Its from Heather she says to meet her at nightfall, she'll have information from Viggo" he put the letter down and walked over to toothless. "Its best if only a few of us meet with her, the hunters have been venturing really close to the edge lately and it could be a risk" as hiccup talked you had flashbacks to when Dagur and Ryker kidnapped Hiccup. "So we'll be best if only two or three of us go to meet Heather" you pipped in before Hiccup finished but he wasn't bothered and continued "Exactly I was thinking me and Astrid should go since the more heads here the more likely the hunters won't get suspicious" Everyone nodded and waited for nightfall when Hiccup and Astrid left you headed back to your hut to isolate yourself with your dragon.

Once Hiccup and Astrid returned you sat in the clubhouse letting them explain the plan, you all headed towards the island where the flightmare was, you weren't surprised that Viggo wanted the dragon you once tried to tame the dragon but you were interrupted by a whispering death which almost killed you and your dragon. What would Viggo do with the flightmare though? He must know that it freezes its enemy with the mist that comes from its mouth, no doubt it is strong.......would he use it as a weapon?  Your thoughts raced with questions curious to know why Viggo needed the flightmare. You waited for Viggo to arrive when he did chaos rose quickly when you noticed he wasn't alone. As you fought hunters from the sky you had to dodge the flightmare because it was chasing the twins. "Use the bags throw them on the ship and the fligtmare will attack" Hiccup yelled as he grabbed bags of Algae to throw at the ships. You thought the plan wasn't't going to work but surprisingly it did, as you watched the flight mare freeze the hunters with fear you saw a razor whip approach you. "Heather!" Heather stopped in front of you, Hiccup, and Astrid. "I'm so sorry Hiccup I didn't know" she was trying to apologize but Hiccup cut her off "Its fine Heather, he fooled us too" you watched as Hiccup reassured her but then a loud screech came from the ship, the hunters had caught the flightmare. "Oh no you don't" Heather rushed down to save the flightmare and without thinking you rushed down as well "Y/n! Heather! Don't!" Hiccup yelled at you and Heather but you both ignored him, and by doing that you both were captured and watched the riders retreat before you passed out.

You woke up tied to a chair in a tent as observed your surroundings you noticed that Heather wasn't the same room as you. Great job Y/n! You got yourself captured you don't know where you're friend or your dragon..........from what you heard Viggo is really scary, you already know what Ryker and Dagur are like........ You broke from you thoughts when you heard the tent open from behind you. "Ah..... you're awake I started to worry that you weren't going to wake up" the voice got closer as you tried to turn to see who was talking. "We haven't met yet" He stepped in front of you and leaned down to view your face. "I'm Viggo who might you be my dear?" You stayed silent as he pulled a chair in front of you and sat down "I'm guessing your not much of a talker" he smiled and looked into your e/c with his brown eyes. "Come now my dear I won't hurt you, you can talk can't you?" You gulped and sighed "Yes I can talk what do you want form me?" he let out a small chuckle "Nothing from you my dear from Hiccup though I do need something, something which belongs to me and my tribe" as he talked in a deep tone and poured a glass of water, he then look at you bindings "I do apologize for restraining you" he untied the ropes around your arms and legs "I'm not like my brother I don't like seeing people tied up" he handed you a glass of water, you took it from him took a sip then placed it on the floor next to you. "Say my dear I didn't catch your name" he gave you a warm smile, unlike Ryker you weren't afraid of Viggo you started to admire him even though you had only met him a few minutes ago. "Are you alright?" He asked as you stared at his brown eyes "Y-yeah sorry I got lost in name is Y/n L/n" You then realized your dragon was no where to be seen "Where is my dragon!?" You began to clench your fists until Viggo stood up "I assume the young D/s with s/c is your dragon?" you nodded with a worried look "A fantastic dragon, you know especially with those colors" You started to think about D/n but stopped when Viggo sat back down in front of you. "Your dragon is fine he is in a cage in a cave not too far from here" you were delighted that your dragon wasn't far but worried if they did something to him.

 Ryker rushed into the tent not even noticing you were untied "Viggo, Hiccup and the riders have arrived" you smiled at the thought your friends didn't take long to arrive "Is everything going according to plan?" Viggo said while he was looking at his Maces and Talons board "Actually no.... they went through the fire not around.....what are going to do? almost everyone is on the other side of the island" Viggo smirked and turned to Ryker "We'll be fine brother, young hiccup will come to save his friends, we do not need the hunters for my plan to work" Ryker growled at the thought that Viggo may be risking everything. I have to get out of here.......I'm pretty much free but how would I get past them they are bigger than me and stronger......... You thought carefully analyzing the room looking for anything to help you escape until Ryker grabbed your wrist and threw you to the floor. "Easy brother she is our guest" Viggo walked towards you and held out his hand, you grabbed it and stood back up. "She's our prisoner brother, we don't need her throw her to a dragon" Ryker stared at you while Viggo patted his shoulder "But you see brother, we will need her" Viggo gave an evil smile to Ryker. Ryker huffed then nodded "Fine.." he drifted off while talking and watched you slowly back up to the side of the tent. 

It was silent until Dagur walked in "The riders seem to be getting really close by now" he looked at you then looked back at Viggo "Take your sister and our guest to the spot I told you earlier, we will deal with them later" said Viggo picking up a Maces and Talons piece then setting back down. Dagur walk over to you tied your hands together with rope and walked out with you, as you peered over you shoulder while walking out Viggo was smirking at you. You turned away and walked with Dagur over to a cage which Heather was in guarded by two hunters. "Its time" Dagur said walking over to the hunters watching them unlock the cage and pull out, You, Heather, Dagur, and the hunters walked into a cave. Dagur told you both to go down a certain tunnel then the hunters stopped "This isn't right-" they looked at each other "Yeah Viggo specifically said-" Before they could finish talking Dagur slammed their heads together "News flash I no longer care what Viggo has to say" he looked up at you and Heather and raised his axe "Dagur wait-" Heather held out her hands in fear that her brother was going to kill you and her, but instead he brought down his axe and broke her chains. Dagur untied the ropes around your wrist and then whistled, from around the corner both Windshear and D/n came running towards you and Heather. When you both turned around Dagur was gone Heather sighed then spoke up "We should go before Viggo realizes were free" you nodded and jumped on D/n "Lets get out of here boy" you and Heather flew out of the cage to find everyone fighting hunters and Hiccup being attacked by the flightmare. Heather flew over to help Hiccup while you flew over to help the others with the dragon hunters. You blasted a few of the hunters away and flew back up to get out of range of their arrows Hiccup flew over to you and the others "Its time to go dragon riders" You all nodded and flew back to the edge not saying a word on the way back.

A/n: Thank you for reading my first two chapters......I know its not best but I'm trying my best

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