Chapter 38

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I found Kai sitting alone on the stairs.

I walked up beside him than sat down.

"Are you okay?" I patted his back softly.

He nodded running his hands over his face. "Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled.

"Kai," he looked up, but not at me. "What is going on?"

He looked down at his hands, than over towards the wall. Never meeting eyes with me.

"Please, tell me?" I begged.

He stood up quickly and looked down at me. "I love you, and I'm not going to put your life in danger just because you want to know what's going on!" He yelled at me.

I looked down at the stairs. I felt a little sharp pain in my chest. Him yelling at me kind of hurt.

"Audrey," he leaned down to me, holding his hands out. But I jerked away. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

I got up before he could finish.

I know its stupid to get mad at someone yelling but, for some reason. This hurt me, and I was upset.

I walked up the stairs. Heading to my room.

I seen Lay leaned up against my door frame, his arms crossed with no expression.

"Move." I sternly said.

He looked at me. "So, your knight in shinning armor didn't turn out to be everything you wanted, huh?"

"Shut up, and mind your own business." I growled.

He leaned up, putting both hands in his pockets. "I've known Kai way before you were born. So, it is my business."

I pushed him out of my way and stormed into my room. "What is your problem with me!" I yelled behind me.

No answer.

He must've left.

I sighed sitting down where I had stood.

I felt someone walk up behind me.

"If you can't see it. Than, it obviously isn't meant to be known." He whispered in my ear.

I turned around. He was standing over me. "What! What is it that I'm not seeing!" I stood back up." I was just a few inches shorter than him. "That you hate me? Cause that's what I see!"

He looked down. Not saying a word.

"Are you afraid to admit that you hate me?" I studied his face.

He looked back up, his face once again emotionless. "If you can't see it, than, its not meant to be known." He turned around, and walked out.

I rolled my eyes and got into my bed.


I was back at work the next morning. Bagging bags for the customers. The usual thing.

I let out a soft sigh, looking at the time. Only 2 hours of work left.

A felt a little smile tug at my mouth. But, soon vanished when I looked up and seen the guy I had seen when I was with Kai.

"Hello, pretty young thing." He smiled then winked.

I felt a chill run down my spin. "Are you checking out?" I ignored what he said and got ready to check him out.

He laughed smugly. "If checking you out counts then, I'm ready to go."

I shook my head. "Look man, if you have nothing, then get out." I said sternly.

"Oh, Tsk. I feisty one!" He chuckled then threw a back of Raw steak on the counter.

I quickly scanned it, got the price all together. And held my hand out for the money.

He handed me the money. Grabbed his bag. Then left.

What a creep.

Who is that guy?

I wondered as I watched him walk away into the distance.

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