I ran fast, remembering the kids being all together in one room. A man with a red circle rune in his neck was walking closer to that room. A glowing sword in his hand I know was called Seraph Blade.

"Hey!" I called out angrily. The circle guy turned to my call, raising his blade but he was too slow, a fire ball hit him directly on his face. I flickered my wrist and fingers to make the fire stronger, burning all his face and body. My eyes were glowing a bright red as the man's screams died. The glow faded as I dropped my hands. "Adiós, bitch" I spat at his burned body as I walked past the churned body, opening the door. The kids were all huddled together, afraid "Hey, darlings" I spoke, my voice now soft and comforting. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe"


Getting the kids back together was easy, once you made sure they were all quiet.

However, as I was head counting, I realized the new girl was missing. "Where's Zoe?"

Miriam, one of the girls looked up at me with bright violet eyes, "She wasn't too comfortable with us. She went back to her daddy"

I cursed under my breath. Zoe's dad had come to me earlier when I was working on the wards and said he'd help whatever he could to repay for saving him and his daughter.

"Stay here or go to your parents" I told them. "Don't go back there. I'm going to look for them if anyone asks, okay?"

I didn't wait for a confirmation before I was back to where we first came for.

Which was a bad idea. Wasn't I being too naive right now? Trusting that Magnus was going to be okay which didn't seem like it as I haven't heard him come back, trust that the wards were going to protect us, and trust myself that going back here was a good idea.

I found Zoe's dad body. He was killed.

The guilt hit me hard. I was the one telling him if he came here he was going to be safe. I failed to protect him. I passed a hand through my hair, angry at myself. Where was Zoe? Did I kill her too?

I huffed as I tried to get back but when I turned, a circle member was there, readying his blade to get me. I gasped, forming a fire ball, throwing it to him.

The bastard ducked and rolled to the side, running toward me but this time I was ready. I telekinetically threw a heavy box against him making him fall backwards.

Focused on this Circle guy, I didn't see the one behind me until a loud, "Get down!" made me gasp and do as I was told.

A woosh and then a thud was heard from behind me, turning my head back to see behind me, seeing a Circle guy with an arrow impaled on his heart. Another thud made me turn back to see a tall, dark haired nephilim with a bow and arrows. He had shot an arrow to the circle guy I had thrown first.

Because of this attack, trusting nephilims was hard so, I slowly straightened, backing away nervously from the one who saved me, not taking my eyes off him, magic sparkling on my fingertips.

The Shadowhunter noticed my tense stance and huffed, rolling his eyes "A thank you would be nice" his voice softened just slightly noticing my fear as he retreated the arrow from the Circle guy, wiping it from the blood with the dead man's shirt. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not with them"

To be safe, I glanced at his neck, looking for the circle rune. Once I saw nothing, I slowly relaxed, curling my hands to fists, the magic fading. I relaxed my hands too, "Thank you"

The Shadowhunter tilted his head, "Are you Cassie?"

I paused in the middle of using magic to take back the arrow that saved me. "How do you know that?"

"Magnus was worried" The Shadowhunter explained. "He didn't see you back there and wanted to get back to look for you. I volunteered to help"

"Is Magnus okay?" I asked in relief, wiping the blood from the arrow in the body's clothes, walking to the Shadowhunter.

"You were almost killed and that's what you're worried about?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Duh" I said with a huff, showing him the arrow, pushing it against his chest, "I think this belongs to you"

I walked around him, listening to him following me. His bow was in hand as he made sure there wasn't another Circle guy to hurt us. I know I was a bit rude but I was still on edge. I'd apologize later.


Magnus hugged me tightly when the Shadowhunter led me safely back to everyone before walking to his companions.

"I'm okay" I murmured on Magnus' shoulder.

"Next time, I'm putting you under a bonded deal to not leave safety, young lady" Magnus scolded, pulling away.

I cleared my throat, nodding slightly. "Fair enough"

Magnus passed an arm around my shoulders, walking us to the other Shadowhunters.

"Cassie?" a gasp sounded within the nephilim group.

I looked to the Shadowhunters only to be attacked by a carrot head. I tensed as arms wrapped around my body.

"You know this warlock?" a guy's voice made me glance to a blond Shadowhunter as he stared at us in confusion.

I looked down at the person suffocating me, "Can't breathe, sweetie"

The girl pulled away, staring at me in bewilderment.


"Hi, Clary"

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