Chapter 55: History Explained

Start from the beginning

Katsuki cocked his head to the side, eyes narrowed. "But Dad doesn't have one either. Why does it matter?"

"I don't know, sweetheart." She sighed, drawing him in close for a brief hug and let go before he started squirming out of her hold. "Some people are just assholes."

He pulled a face. "You said a bad word. Dad said you couldn't say those words around me."

Mitsuki laughed, loud and rambunctious. "Yeah, I got a potty mouth, don't I, Kats?"

"Old hag." He grinned, something sharp and devious in his eyes and she chuckled.

"Listen," Mitsuki said once they calmed down, features drawing into something more serious once the gravity of what he asked her set in. "People have to earn respect and trust, it's something I've always believed in. But some people are quick to label a person one way or another and disregard anything else that might say otherwise."

Katsuki's eyebrows drew together and his nose scrunched up in concentration. Mitsuki remained patient. Her son was smart. He could figure it out.

And true to her faith in him, after a few minutes of silence, Katsuki slowly asked, "So the reason why people are mean to Auntie and Izu is because Izu's quirkless? But Auntie has a quirk, they still treat her bad."

Mitsuki hesitated at that. How was she supposed to word it for her five-year-old son that the reason was because society shamed and blamed her for Izuku's quirklessness even though she had zero control over the outcome. Not that it mattered, quirkless people weren't any less than people who had quirks.

Her son's eyes squinted as he studied her with an intensity that most children his age didn't have, mouth pressed in a hard line.


Mitsuki inhaled sharply.

"I'm gonna protect them."

Her heart settled. Relief washed over her. Tension bled out of her form.

"Alright, baby. You can do what you can. But until you can do more, leave it to your dad and I, alright? We still gotta protect you."

"Don't need protecting!! I'm going to be the Number One Hero!!"

Mitsuki nodded along diligently, appeasing her baby boy as she patted his hair softly. "Yes, baby, I know. But until then, it's our job. Just like it's All Might's and the other pros to keep us safe. Okay?"

"... Okay, Mama."

Even at the tender age of five he understood his role as a protector. He took over that role and wouldn't let anyone else have it, scowling at those who wanted it and outright blasting anyone else who questioned it.

He'd blast anyone who threatened or talked down to them in his presence. And he didn't hesitate.

Deku was clumsy, got excited like a dumb bunny, and he always had a stupid smile on his face, but his Deku wasn't an idiot and he certainly wasn't useless like so many people thought when he called out for his best friend in public.

It was his fault. Someone had called him deku when he had faceplanted on the playground, too excited and running to meet his mom as she picked them both up after school. Younger Bakugou mistakenly thought that the kid had seen what he had, a clumsy dumb frustratingly endearing bunny boy and stuck with it.

It wasn't until Mitsuki overheard him calling him that before she rushed over to correct him. To let him know what it actually meant. And how much it had to hurt.

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