Chapter 44: Newfound Family Dynamics

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Two months had passed by since then.

Eri had been moved out of the hospital and since Aizawa was the only one who could keep that quirk of hers under control until she learned how to do it herself, he was granted temporary guardianship of her.

The authorities had entrusted her to UA but on paper, she was his foster child for the time being.

Just like you had been, once upon a time.

Togata and Midoriya made the transition back into civilization easier for Eri, though the first week she wouldn't leave their sides unless it was with you. You three were the ones she trusted the most.

Though, Aizawa came really close.

You suspected it had something to do with the small cream-colored teddy bear he bought for her while walking past the hospital gift shop on your way out that first day he brought you to see her.

They always sold things to help comfort patients during their stay and while he hesitated buying it, he ended up getting it anyway and giving it to her during her last week at the hospital so that she would have something to hold at night.

Eri had looked confused and it was almost funny how Aizawa tripped over his words trying to explain to her that he had bought this girl, who he didn't know and wasn't related to, a stuffed animal to bring her comfort because he was worried about her.

You, and even Shinsou, teased that he was such a softie, earning both of you a towel to the face after training at his house.

It was hours after school had let out and the sun was just starting to set.

Most students had already gone back to the dormitories. You had promised Ojiro to stop by his room before you went to bed when you got back and with that, you two parted ways.

Aizawa had taken you and Shinsou to his flat for training once you sprinted into the teachers' lounge where both of them were waiting for you, along with Eri. Even though all the teachers had their own dorm, courtesy of the principal, he had already paid off the mortgage on the flat and he was not keen on selling it for a number of reasons.

Besides, Vlad King was allergic to cats so it wasn't like he could just take Coffee with him.

So, while he lived in the teachers' dorm, he went to his flat on the weekends and on their days off.

Aizawa dodged his student's punch with a slight smirk. "Too slow."

You were in the corner of the training arena inside of his house, playing tea party with Eri in the corner.

Aizawa had bought her a truckload of toys to entertain herself with so that she could bring things to keep herself busy when he was teaching at school. Luckily, she wasn't fussy at all so it had taken barely any time to pick out what to buy.

Though you suggested it might have been a bit unnecessary to purchase nearly half the store.

It didn't matter. Eri had been ecstatic once she had been told that these new toys were all hers to play with. Aizawa had to reassure her over and over again that yes, they really were hers and no, he didn't particularly care if she broke something or decided that she didn't want it.

She was honestly so careful in handling the neat little gadgets and play sets that he couldn't even envision her breaking something.

You ignored the grunts and taunts coming from the middle of the room as the Shinsou and your dad sparred, flicking your tail to tickle the tip of Eri's nose and she giggled, beaming widely at you when you exaggerated an eye roll when a thump reverberated through the ground as Shinsou was knocked onto his feet.

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