Chapter 17: Bright Prospects

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The five of you milled around the store, seeking out what you had originally come here for.

Well, you and Ojiro walked with Jirou and Kaminari while Aizawa stationed himself at the door. Just in case those boys decided to be dumb and come back.

You didn't know how you ended up smushed between Ojiro and Jirou with Kaminari in front of you, walking backwards so that he could talk to you, and yet, here you were.

Kaminari waved his hands frantically to keep your attention when your eyes strayed to a tag attached to a fancy pillowcase. He was currently in the middle of a mild breakdown now that it was all over.

"We got worried when you didn't show up, so we went to go look for you!!" He shouted, gesturing wildly to nothing in particular.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jirou asked worriedly for the tenth time in the last five minutes but you weren't bothered by the repetition.

In fact, you felt rather touched that they cared so much.

You nodded, thanking them for protecting you again before curiously asking how they managed to find you so fast.

Before Jirou even got a chance to explain her quirk to you, Kaminari was interjecting, making broad and expressive hand gestures to gush about her abilities and your eyes filled with awe, as if you were hearing about one of the top heroes who had just won a battle against a villain.

Jirou turned away, obviously embarrassed by the pikachu's telling of the tale but you caught a small smile on her face and thanked her once more.

"I'm glad you're safe now." Was all she said before folding her arms over her chest and leaning against the nearest wall.

From here, she was within eyesight of Aizawa, since the three of you were heading towards another part of the store that he would be unable to see. Acting as a middleman, she pulled out her phone to entertain herself while she waited for you to finish getting what you needed.

Ojiro shook his head, amused as Kaminari took no notice of Jirou's departure and rambled on, taking you through all of the quirks that their classmates in Class 1-A had.

You nodded your head along eagerly, excitement seeping in and replacing the fear that had gripped your chest earlier.

Ojiro had to admit, he was sure Aizawa was going to chew them out for using their quirks without explicit permission, since it was a rule everyone had to abide by, but he was surprised when he didn't. The teenager had a feeling though that it was just pushed back until you were out of range to hear his scolding, since it would probably just serve to pile on the guilt more if he wasn't careful.

Still, he thought he saw a flash of pride in his teacher's eyes as they stood up for you. Maybe it had been his imagination.

Your eyes were starting to shimmer once again and your tail wagged as you spotted what you had been looking for all along.

Ojiro made sure to stay by your side, your hand in his as he twisted around, spotting Jirou striding towards you guys with Aizawa in tow.

"Uh, Y/N?" Kaminari's questioning tone made your ears perk up. "Why are we in the dog's section? I know you're part dog but isn't that a little—"

He cut off with a yelp as Jirou smacked him over the head for saying something so insensitive. But even she was dumbfounded when you beamed, holding up a medium-sized box proudly.

"Um, Y/N? You do know that's an inflatable dog bed, right?" Jirou asked cautiously, growing even more confused when you nodded enthusiastically. "I'm not sure that's—"

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