{11} - All Is Lost

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"Andre." A mere whisper in his ear, a soft caress to his cheek. "Baby, I have to go. It's already nine and I'm late."

Rafe shook him softly and turned him onto his back, trying to ignore the fact that he was deliciously naked and presented a most stirring vision. Even over wrought with cancer and having been bed ridden for two months couldn't take away from the fact that Andre was a man who took very good care of his body.

It was leanly sculpted and toned to perfection and looking at him now, Rafe had the overwhelming urge to mount him yet again, to feel his tightness surround him just as it had last night, to hear his breathy cries and restrained screams as he was brought down onto his awaiting shaft.

"God, you take my very breath away." He whispered as he slid his hardening body over the sleeping man and pressed their lower bodies together. "Do you think you can take me inside you again, baby?" he asked as he parted the slender thighs with a trembling knee, his hands going to the clasp of his slacks in eagerness.

But somehow, something just didn't seem right. He stared down at the sleeping form and frowned.

"A-Andre...?" He lay so still beneath him, unmoving, not even stirring despite all the rubbing and writhing and touching of his questing fingers. He was so very still...and, and... "Andre? Andre wake up, baby. Wake up and stop scaring me like this."

He slapped his cheeks in hopes for a reaction of some sort but his angel remained still. Taking him by the shoulders, he shook him roughly, tears coming to his eyes because he was so damn afraid of what this might possibly mean.

"No!" he said firmly. "You are not going to leave me, Andre. Not now after what we've shared. Not now when I just can't see myself without you. I forbid it. Do you hear me? I'll die without you!"

Lifting the slight body onto his lap, he cradled it, his lips coming down to plant a desperate kiss on the slightly parted mouth. "Please don't leave me. I love you. Stay with me!"

Leaping to his feet, he secured a blanket around Andre's still form and took off at a dead run straight out the door, screaming at the top of his lungs while holding his precious bundle. Heeelp!" he roared. "Somebody, help me please. He's gonna...He's gonna...I think he's-."


He turned toward the voice, his heart beating thunderously in his chest, his eyes all but blinded by his copious tears. "No." he whispered. "Don't say that. He's not dead. He's...he's merely resting is all. Why would you say something like that, Daniel? Wh-what are you doing here?"

He side stepped his boss, avoiding him but the man only blocked his way, impeding his progress. "You didn't show up for work, De' Notti. You know better than to keep me waiting when I have so much work to catch up on now that I'm back from vacation. Instead, you think tending to a dying man is going to put food on your table. Don't be daft. Put him back in his room and let's go. My car's waiting just outside."

He sounded so callous and uncaring. As if he didn't even give a damn about his angel's life. Why was he acting that way?

Rafe shifted Andre more comfortably into his arms. "How can you think of work at a time like this?" he asked disbelievingly. "Can't you see I'm on the verge of losing the only thing I have ever truly cared for in my life? I thought you understood how I felt about him."

Brookoff snorted and waved a dismissive hand toward Andre. "Oh please." he said with a sneer. "You act like this thing is more important than your future with my company. Are you ready to throw eight years away for this boy that probably wont even be alive tomorrow? Come on Rafe that's madness!" 

He was practically frothing at the mouth as if he hated Andre. What the fuk? 

"Why are you talking to me like this? As if his life is nothing more than something that should be dismissed. Step aside and let me pass. I have nothing more to say to you. I quit. You hear me? I frikkin quit! You're a sick fuk, Brookoff."

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