The Grunkles Arrive

Start from the beginning

When he started on the second letter, I couldn't help letting out a wince and small cry.

"What have I told you about moving? Do you want daddy to mess up and start all over again? And I love your tears, but the noises are annoying. Someone shut her up."

The demon holding my arms moved and my dad grabbed me by my hair to pull my head up. I opened my mouth to cry out at the pain in my scalp, but something was shoved in my mouth to stop it. By now the tears were blinding me and I could barely see anything. My dad resumed his humming and the knife moved down my skin, shredding it and blood spilling out in its place.

"There'll be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover, tomorrow, just you wait and see."


I jerked out of the memory and stumbled back, knocking over a chair. It hit the floor with a bang and I heard the female organic say something before she hurried in. I flinched when she looked up at me, my hands immediately going up to block my face.

'Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry, please don't hurt me, I'm sorry, sorry-'

I flinched again when I felt the girl take one of my hands, prying it away from my face. I expected to see her mad that I messed up, but instead I saw the naked concern that was there before. I shrank under it, and she took my other hand. She was saying something, and now I wished I could understand her because the way she was talking was so gentle.

I shuffled back when she leaned forward, but I couldn't move since she still held my hands. She made a soothing noise, and I froze as she leaned forward more and let go of my hands. Her arms then wrapped around me and pulled me to her. Her head was over my shoulder, and I could feel the body warmth radiating off of her.

I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. What she was doing felt nice, but normally someone touching me like this meant more pain. But after a minute, she pulled away and smiled, saying something else. I watched as she turned and went to the counter, picking up the chair before opening another compartment and taking out a few boxes. She looked back at me after I hadn't moved, and gestured to the table.

I understood that move, and I walked over to sit down. I waited while she took these little white circular objects from the white box and cracked them purposely. Only yellow stuff came out of it and landed in another container. I could hear a faint sizzling noise.

Soon the male organic came down with different clothes on. His hair was wet too. He gave me a small smile, and joined the female organic in making whatever it is they were making.

After a while, the female organic out another plate in front of me. I was a bit disappointed to not see the delicious disks, instead there was a small pile of yellow stuff and three long pieces of red meat. It smelled pretty good. Remembering the events from last night, I used the silver thing to spear some of the yellow stuff. I could feel the heat coming off of it, and glanced at the organics. They seemed to be blowing on it before eating it, occasionally looking at me as if to see if I was doing it. So I imitated them and blew on the piece before putting it in my mouth. This had a different flavor than the pancakes, not sweet but still savory and tasty. I immediately started eating, done with the yellow stuff in seconds. The red pieces of meat were still hot, and the organics chose to just use their hands for that. So I used my hand to pick it up and bit an end off. It was juicy and tender. I finished that off quickly as well, noticing the organics were watching me. The female got up and took my plate, leaving and returning with more yellow stuff.

I dug in.

Mabel watched the girl practically shovel her food into her mouth, Dipper also glancing at her. Both secretly chose to only have one serving, she looked like she needed it more than them.

Dipper got up once he was done to put his plate in the kitchen. As he walked past the window he saw a truck pull up the dirt driveway.

Putting the plate down, the young man hurried out the door and down the steps. "Uh, excuse me, I'm sorry but we're closed! Check back later this summer-"

He stopped when he recognized the person behind the wheel.

Grunkle Stan stepped out and smiled. "Hey, Dipper! How ya been?"

"Grunkle Stan!" Dipper smiled and hurried over to hug his great uncle. Ford stepped out of the passenger side as well, waiting for Dipper to hug him as well with a smile and a "greetings". Mabel heard the commotion and squealed at the visitors, running right into Stan's arms.

"Hey, sweetie, good to see you." Stan said, patting Mabel's back before letting her pull back. "Whoa, let me look at you! You must be fending off the boys with a stick!"

Mabel giggled and shoved at the older man before going over to hug Ford.

"Now, Dipper, I believe the girl you spoke of is in the shack?" Ford asked. The warm smile he wore when he greeted the twins was gone, now showing seriousness and a bit of worry.

"Uh, yeah, she's eating breakfast." Dipper said.

"Mabel, please help Stanley with our equipment. Dipper, come with me."

Both twins shrugged before Mabel went back to the truck while Dipper followed their uncle.

Ford still remembered the shack's design and where the table was, so he knew where to go. Dipper saw him stop right in the doorway that led to the living room. He glanced in and saw the girl was now looking up and staring at his uncle with open curiosity and a bit of fear. But what he saw in Ford's face was what really worried him. He wore such a look of surprise and recognition it almost seemed like he found a long-lost friend.

"Impossible." He breathed, dropping his bag and slowly entering the room, Dipper staying by the door.

The girl immediately stood up from the chair, taking a step back to keep Ford a safe distance away. Ford had both his hands up, taking a single step forward.

"Calm down. I know you're scared, but it's okay. You're safe here. Just stay calm, I want to help you."

Dipper was a bit surprised Ford was able to sound that soft and comforting, but whatever he was doing must've been working because the girl slowly lost her body tension and let him slowly walk over to her.

Ford slowly reached a hand out until it took one of her's, his eyes never leaving hers. He saw no reaction in her and knew she didn't recognize him. He couldn't really blame her though, it was a long time ago.

He cupped her hand in both of his, his eyes shining with overwhelming emotion. "I thought you wouldn't last long in that hellhole. I have apologies to make to you, but I can't give them at the moment. I want to help you understand, so I need you to trust me."

He watched as she seemed to relax more and he made the universal gesture to come with him. She did so, even curling her fingers to hold onto his hand. Ford glanced at Dipper and motioned for him to follow too. The young man quickly caught up with them as they went to the vending machine.

"Ford, will you please tell us what is going on?" He practically whispered as his great uncle typed in the number code.

"Soon, Dipper. I'll explain everything." Ford said as they walked through the entrance and down the stairs.

Should I make this mature?

The song Bill sings is "The White Cliffs of Dover" which is sung by the same woman who originally sang "We'll meet again". He just has a thing for old slow songs.

Anyway, I figured out the plot to a certain point, so expect two or three more fast updates until I hit writers block again.

Love all you,

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