Chapter 71

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Washington DC

Georgetown Shopping Center - 14:22 pm

Natasha and Steve had changed their outfits once again, stopping briefly inside a shop and purchasing ‘hipster’ looking outfits so they could blend in, plus they were easier to run in if need be. Steve felt a little strange wearing the black framed glasses and cap, but they were all apart of his disguise. He knew that S.H.I.E.L.D would be looking for him and come after Natasha when they discovered she was with him.

“First rule of going on the run is - don’t run, walk,” Natasha voiced in a low tone beside the Super Soldier.

“If I run in these shoes,” Steve piped up. “They’re gonna fall off.”


Five minutes later they were in an apple store. Natasha was doing her thing on thing on the computer while Steve stood beside her, looking over her shoulder while keeping a look out for any potential threat.

“The drive has a level six homing drive,” the red head revealed. “As soon as we boot up, S.H.I.E.L.D will know where we are.”

Steve was keeping alert.. “How much time to we have?”

Natasha continued to tap away at the keys. “Ah, about nine minutes from…” she plugged in the flash drive. “Now,” she supplied as her fingers went to work.


Triskelion - Control Room

Maria felt her fist clench at her sides as she spotted Jasper Sitwell. She swallowed back the anger she was feeling and replaced it with a melancholy mask.

“You called me?” she voiced, approaching the the short man with glasses as she looked up at the black screen that Jasper was looking at.

Jasper didn't removed his eyes from the large screen that had a few small ones running different feeds. “About an hour ago,” he retorted. “Where have you been?”

None of your damn business, Agent! Maria didn’t appreciate his tone. She was still his boss and the Deputy Director of this damn agency. “Arranging a funeral,” she informed, sadness evident in her tone Maria tore her eyes from the screen and looked at her agent, trying to mask grieving.

Jasper tore his eyes from the screens and glanced at the dark haired brunette. “Sorry,” he supplied, feeling obligated. A moment passed before he began tapping a few buttons on a electronic keyboard in front of him. “I was wondering if you knew anything about this?”

Maria glanced towards the small screen that revealed footage of Natasha and Steve together at an apple store somewhere downtown. They’re together, she thought in relief. She had heard about the alert out on Steve and had been worried. She hadn’t been able to get in contact with him, but had been keeping an eye on his via his tracker. Maria had then tried contacting Natasha, but she had gone off the radar. A smile tugged at her lips. “No, but I’m not surprised,” she informed Jasper, glancing at him. “That’s Captain America that you’re after. He tends to inspire a certain amount of loyalty,” she reveals proudly. You Jackass. Maria then turned away and began to walk off. 

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