Just King Things {dreamnoblade} 🐱

Start from the beginning

"I wish I learned how to do that, I was monitored 24/7 when I was younger" Squid replied.

"Then think of this little adventure as a quid pro quo for the fun war." Techno said with a little laugh which caused Squid to also grin. Some rustling in a nearby bush caught both of their attention. Techno swiftly drew out his netherite sword causing Squid to glance over at him. "Did you have that the entire time?!"

"Absolutely" Techno responded, never once looking away from the bush that had now gone quiet, "I don't go anywhere without this."

Seconds dragged by as they continued to stare at the bush. He could see Squid in his peripheral vision collapse with a bandana wearing, raven haired person standing over him. Techno manages to whip around and bring up his sword before being attacked by another person. Sparks flew as their diamond sword came into contact with Techno's netherite one. Techno stared into the blank mask of his attacker before giving another shove, knocking the blond boy way from. They reached a quiet standstill as they slowly circled each other.

"It's a pleasure finally meeting you King Technoblade, or better known as the Blood God." The dirty-blond male said. Techno remained silent, with his lips pursed. He could see another boy with white rimmed sunglasses, along with the raven-haired boy, tying up Squid in the corner of his eye. He glanced to his other side and could see a person wearing a black and red hoodie standing nearby. He could look closer, the blond boy lunged forward with his sword. Techno blocked the sword with his and managed to push the sword out of the way, proceeding to kick the boy's legs out from under him. The blond managed to lean far enough back that he caught himself with his hands while his sword went flying into the air. He threw himself around in a flip and landed back onto his feet, catching his sword which came falling back down. Techno tightened his grip on his sword and clenched his teeth. This mysterious person was quite good at fighting but Techno never turned down a good challenge.

He was taken out of his thoughts when the blonde discarded his sword to the side and lunged at him. This caught Techno off guard and he was quickly pinned. By this point, both boys were slightly panting from the fight.

"You're a great fighter. It appears the people didn't lie" The masked boy said as he stared at the king who he still had pinned under him. The masked boy gently loved one of his hands from pinning Techno and started to play with Techno's pink hair. He sucked in a breath at this action and froze. The blond quickly stopped and beckoned the black hooded boy along with the boy with the white rimmed glasses over. The blonde pulled Techno to his feet and tied his hands behind his back. They also pulled Squid, who is also tied, onto his feet.

"Quite frankly, I thought that it would have been a more difficult fight" the masked man said as he looked at Techno. Techno simply shrugged and responded "I am suffering from a major malaise right now and I haven't slept in at least 35 hours. I have a ton of work to catch up on as well"

"Malaise? What?" the boy with the sunglasses questioned.

"Don't worry, he does that a lot. Like one time, he threatened to defenestrate his little brother." Squid but in.

"Defenestrate?" The boy with the bandana asked.

"Oh. Heh. I remember that. It means to throw someone out of a window" Techno said.

"That's horrible!" The boy in the black and red hoodie exclaimed.

"You guys are very calm for people who have just been attacked and are now being taken hostage" the blonde said, changing the subject.

"Look, this isn't our first rodeo. There's been multiple kidnapping and assassination attempts performed on us. We are both kings after all, this isn't new" Techno said while Squid remained silent. The sound of guards shouting could be heard coming in their direction.

"Because you guys have brought quite the entertainment to me and Squidkid, I'm offering peace. Untie us and you won't be arrested, you'll all walk out of here unscathed. I swear on my gold that I'm not trying to hornswoggle you guys" Techno stated. The masked boy pondered his offer for a couple seconds before nodding. "Fine, but I swear this won't be the last time we encounter each other."

The masked boy moved his mask to the side so Techno could see half of his face, including his shining green eyes.

"Call me Dream. I have a feeling that we'll be meeting again. Hopefully next time, it would be under better circumstances." With a smile, Dream turned around and jumped into the dense forest with his three companions following him.

"What was that?" Squid asked. He was rubbing his wrists where they had tied him. A bunch of guards broke into the clearing surprising Techno and Squid. They were promptly escorted back to the castle where they actually talked business regarding their alliance.

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