Part 5

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After hearing that Taylor got in an accident, Lizzo sprints outside to get to the hospital. In fact, she rushed outside so fast that she pulled a Peppa Pig.
There was a giant, deep, thick muddy puddle in Lizzo's front yard. With her luck, she fell in the puddle and got stuck.

Still, her main priority was to comfort Taylor. She needed someone to get to the hospital quick, so obviously she called her bestie.

"Hey, Harry! I have a little favor. Sorry, it may be a little totally awkward random...but...erm...can you head over to the hospital and see Taylor for me?" she rambles.

"Woah woah woah, slow down. What happened?"
"I don't really know? She got in an accident. Please, Harry. Go tell her I love her." Lizzo says while blushing in the muddy puddle.

Being the great friend he is, Harry stops what he is doing and heads over to the local hospital to comfort his ex. Awkward

When he gets to the hospital he cautiously enters the room.

"Lizzo? Are you here? I missed you," Taylor says sleepily.

"Taylor, it's me Harry. Lizzo sent me. She stuck, but it's okay I guess I'll keep you company for now."

While still on pain meds Taylor says, "Why the fuck are you always here. You do know I'm over you, right?"

"Trust me, hunny I know. My husband is waiting outside the door."

"Louis?" Taylor asks excitedly.

"Yep," Harry replies with a shy, proud smile while looking down at his crust vans.

"Get in here, Tomlinson" Taylor shouts from her hospital bed.

Louis comes in, gently hugging Taylor.

"Are you ok, luv?" He ask while Harry wraps his arms around his nice little body from behind.

"Just a little crash, nothing major. I don't know why people are making such a big deal out of a concussion and rib fracture." She answers.

"Wow. Well, I almost forgot. Lizzo wanted me to tell you that she loves you."

Taylor blushes and smiles.

"Is she okay? Where did she get stuck? Should I call the firefighters? Shit, I'll go get her out myself if I have to."

"Relax, Tay. I'll go pull her out of the muddy puddle."

"Thank you, Louis." Taylor smiles.

He kisses his Hazza goodbye and rushes to his car.

"I miss Lizzo." Taylor whines.

"I miss Lou." Harry says as he slumps into a chair.
"He literally just left." Taylor rolls her eyes.

"Well, tell me about the crash."

"Some dickhead hit my car after I was leaving the flute cleaner." Taylor says. "I was getting Sasha cleaned for Lizzo's birthday."

"Oh my god. I forgot it is her birthday tomorrow. Usually she makes a huge deal about it a month in advance! I better send her a bunch of Gucci." Harry realizes.

"Well, I've been keeping her distracted," Taylor smirks.

"Jeez, I don't think I even wanna know what you guys have been doing alone." Harry says.

"Yeah. Don't ask. Let's just say...spaghetti?"

Meanwhile at Lizzo's

Louis pulls up in his car and hops out to find Lizzo making tiktoks in a giant puddle in her yard.
"Louis! Get your fine little ass over here and save me."

"Okay!" Louis replies. "Why do you even have a body size whole in your yard?"

"Don't ask questions."

He helps Lizzo out of the muddy hole and air hugs her, because she's covered in mud. She rushes into the car, messing up the Tomlinson's car (Louis and Harry's).

While Louis drives, Lizzo scramble into the change of clothes she quickly snatched on her way to the car.
They arrive in the hospital and Lizzo and Taylor embrace.

"I was so worried about you. Are you okay? I missed you. I'm sorry I couldn't get here quicker. That damn hole..."

"Don't worry about that, I'm okay." Taylor giggles. "I'm just glad you're hear now."

The next day

Lizzo has been comforting Taylor in the hospital, until she was ready to leave.

As they were walking out of the hospital, Lizzo pulled Taylor over and said, "Can you wait outside for me? I'll be out to the car soon, I promise."
"Um, okay?" Taylor answered.

30 minutes later Lizzo got in the car and they drove away. Taylor was curious, but didn't ask questions because she was excited to celebrate Lizzo's 33rd birthday.

Harry, Louis, and Taylor surprised Lizzo with presents, delicious food, music, and of course drinks. The small celebration made Lizzo so happy because she was with the ones she loved the most.

"Here, I got this cleaned for you before I got in the crash," Taylor said while handing a flute shaped box to Lizzo.

"Oh. My. God. I'm gonna cry. Bitch, I can't believe you did this!" Lizzo exclaimed while squeezing Taylor after opening up the box to she Sasha, shining in all her glory.

After the Tomlinsons left, Lizzo and Taylor continued to dance the night away, carefully of course because of Tay's injury, and drink. A lot.
Finally they were drunk.

They were teasing each other and having fun until Taylor asked, "So, why did you stay behind at the hospital?"

"I'm pregnant."

Lizzo was drunkenly laughing, but Taylor didn't find this funny. She new that Lizzo had too many shots of Tequila to be lying right now.

"Are you fucking serious?" Taylor screams.

"Chris Evans got me pregnant."

Taylor throws Lizzo's tiny Valentino in the pool as she powerfully walks out of the house, slamming the door.


Hope you guys enjoyed the update! It was definitely the most interesting one yet. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZZO I hope you like this present 😘 xx

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