Yeo-wool squeezed Yu-ri's hand for emphasis, a gesture the King noticed. 

"I know. You both share good hearts, " He responded. 

At that moment a knock and then a head popped in; Soo-ho. 

"Your majesty," He stated, bowing graciously noticing the King's presence. 

Sam Maek-Jong noticed his friend's disheveled appearance instantly, not that it surprised either of the men truly. They were very aware of Soo-ho's inclination toward the young resting woman and what had happened to her had left him a wreck. 

"Any updates?" He asked to no one in particular, eyes falling immediately to Yu-ri's form as soon as he stood up straight. 

The men both shook their heads. 

He sighed, "She'll make it... She has to."


Yeo-wool found himself smiling as he arrived at his friend's household. 

Being escorted in by one of their attendants, he soon found himself in their sitting area where he could see Soo Yeon and Jin-a painting on parchment as Ban-ryu watched them from the other side of the table lovingly. 

His small niece noticed him first, large eyes growing before she stood up and ran toward him, "Uncle!!" she yelled, latching onto his leg happily. 

The man couldn't help but smile at his little niece, she had that effect on people. 

"Hello, my favorite person!" He said, petting her hair which was falling loosely in waves. It reminded him of Soo-ho's hair that he'd seen him struggle to pull up into a ponytail many times before complaining that it wasn't naturally straight like the others.  

"Favorite person huh?" the other male's voice stated, standing to greet his fellow Hwarang. 

"Did I say something incorrect?" Yeo-wool teased, shaking hands firmly with Ban-ryu. 

"Both of you boys calm down. Yeo-wool, it's good to see you. How's Yu-ri?" Soo Yeon spoke up, wandering over to her husband's side. 

The mention of Yu-ri made Jin-a pull on Yeo-wool's pant leg, "Eomma?" she asked, voice small. 

Everyone in the room stood quietly for a minute watching the young child gaze up into their eyes with questioning concern. 

Jin-a had seemingly internalized her mother's absence well enough... but there was no doubt she missed her dearly. 

Yeo-wool ruffled her hair, "My dear sister is up finally, but still resting. She's getting stronger every minute. She'll be back to play any moment now!" He said encouragingly. 

This seemed to satisfy the young girl who smiled widely and cheered before rushing back to her painting as the other two adults sighed in relief at the news. 

Soo Yeon watched the girl skip away before turning back to Yeo-wool more seriously. 

"Yeo-wool... I-I have a bit of a personal question..." She began to say before her husband eyed her, silently shaking his head. 

The exchange left the man watching them confused. 

"Is something the matter?" He said. 

Soo Yeon stared at Ban-ryu with fire in her eyes, clearly not going to be dissuaded with whatever was on her mind.

"Jin-a. Who was her father?" She asked plainly. 

Ban-ryu froze up visibly, obviously uncomfortable and almost fearful over his wife's question. 

Yeo-wool on the other hand wasn't as visibly shaken. In fact, he wasn't too surprised. Soo-ho's sister had been spending quite a bit of time with his niece lately and if he himself could see the similarities between the two, it didn't surprise him that she did as well. 

Was it her large eyes? Her wavy hair? The full lips? Truthfully she shared more obvious traits to her father than her mother at first glance. Maybe she even shared some of his mannerisms? Personality traits? Tastes? These were things someone that grew up with him would know and notice surely. 

Jin-a's parentage was slowly becoming more obvious to those who really noticed; those closest to them. It was something he anticipated would occur at some point, not that he would tell his sister. He hadn't wanted to worry Yu-ri, but he knew his friends. He knew they would someday know too. And now facing Soo Yeon who watched him carefully, he wasn't quite sure what to say for once. 

On the one hand, she was Jin-a's family too... she deserved to know. But on the other hand, Yu-ri was his sister, his family, and she deserved her privacy, especially when she was currently recovering from a large injury and shouldn't be worried about making that decision. 

Yeo-wool decided to smile before speaking, "I'm afraid that's not my place to say. As much as a gossip as I may appear, my sister's private life is not among the spicy details I like to pass around."

His tone was playful, but the bite behind it was obvious still; a warning. 

"Of course. I apologize for my wife's insensitivity. We're just happy she's recovering well." Ban-ryu immediately said, bowing. 

While this seemed to instantly quiet the man, his wife was still obviously lost in thought. 

Yeo-wool however didn't want to put himself in an uncomfortable situation any longer and walked past the pair to little Jin-a. 

"Thank you both truly for taking care of Jin-a. I don't know about you, but I think my sister would like to see her daughter," He said, leaning down to scoop up the little girl who laughed as he made a funny face at her. 

His fellow Hwarang smiled, "It was no trouble at all. You know we're here for you, whatever you need my friend."

He had no doubt about that. In the years since their enlistment Ban-ryu had proved himself a loyal friend and brother to the Hwarang. It was hard to believe he was once so cold and selfish, cut off from the rest of the pack. 

Yeo-wool sent him a genuine smile of gratitude, "I do know. You have my support as well always." He spoke, moving toward the room's exit before a woman's voice spoke up suddenly. 

"Why do her eyes sparkle like that.... Why is her top lip rounded that way?" 

Soo Yeon's voice was fragile now, almost a whimper. It stopped him right in his tracks. 

The woman's eyes were trained to the floor, her frame almost quivering like her voice had moments ago; a far cry from the confidence she had earlier when asking her question. 

He couldn't speak again. 

Her eyes finally lifted and to his horror they were filled with tears. 

"Why Yeo-wool... why does she remind me... of Soo-ho so much? Isn't that impossible? Don't we deserve to know why?!" She exclaimed, hands clutching onto her upper arms. 

Ban-ryu instantly enveloped his wife in a comforting embrace, burying her head in his chest and whispering to her gently. 

Yeo-wool was still stunned at the outburst. His heart, he had to admit, ached for the woman... If he had more family out there somewhere, he'd want to know too. He understood that... but Yu-ri was his sister first and foremost... he would not betray her by speaking for her. 

"I'm sorry," was all he could say as he turned on his heels and left. 

He hoped that somewhere in their hearts Soo Yeon and Ban-ryu would forgive him. 

Perhaps soon they'd get their answer.

Author's note: SORRY friends for the late update! My mother was hospitalized but is thankfully home now recovering!! I had to spill some more angst here and give Yeo-wool some love with his own chapter. Such a good brother. Don't worry, we'll get back to our lovebirds soon!

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