Chapter 8: Friends

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In the days that followed and passed, Yu-ri began the task of rebuilding and reconnecting with her old life. 

With her father gone, Yeo-wool was left alone and she had no intention to leave her older brother alone in life anymore. Waking up every morning to his teasing and their Auntie's food soothed her troubled soul. She couldn't imagine life without them and the decision was made that they would indeed stay as long as Yeo-wool wanted them. 

Her brother wouldn't stop smiling and as she helped him brush his lovely hair, later on, he confessed to his little sister that he had secretly wished for that day to come. 

Today Yu-ri was reconnecting with an old friend, Soo-yeon. 

The two knew each other well and had a lovely friendship growing up as the younger daughters of True Bone families. She had admired Soo-yeon's beauty and bravery since they were young and she was thrilled to see that her friend had not lost that touch. 

"She's beautiful Yu-ri!" Soo-yeon gushed watching Ji-na munch on fruit as the two women sipped tea together. 

While hesitant at first to bring Ji-na out too often, Yu-ri realized she had to start doing so if this was to become home to any extent again. If she wanted Ji-na to become comfortable here as well and make friends like she once had. 


"Thank you Soo-yeon!" I spoke sweetly with a smile. 

Soo-yeon was a beautiful woman now, glowing. Her long silky hair was tied in a beautiful braid and adorned with flower pendants, just like she had been fond of as a child. She had truly grown into her grace and I couldn't help but feel proud of her. 

I recognized however the longing look she had on her face as she watched my daughter. 

"I hope I'm not being too intrusive, but have you and Ban-ryu talked about when you'll maybe have a little one?" I asked leaning over closer and whispering. 

The words instantly made her blush brightly and she began to nervous laugh, tucking non-existent hair behind her ear. She fiddled around a bit before looking back at me. 

"To be honest... we're actually um, trying..." She said and covered her mouth with her hands, giggling again loudly. 

My mouth dropped into an open smile, "Soo-yeon! I wish you both well! You're going to be an amazing mother!" 

While it was still a strange thought for me to consider her and Ban-ryu as husband and wife, it was clear she was glowing at least in part due to the absolute love she had for him. And I was truly happy for her to have found that. 

She smiled at me warmly, "Thank you Yu-ri. I hope I'm half the mother you clearly are. And I hope our little ones look as beautiful as Ji-na!" She added as Ji-na beamed at being mentioned before asking her for assistance with peeling her orange.

Watching the two of them interact made my heart squeeze mildly. They shared some features and traits... They were family and didn't even know it... 

And I didn't know if I would ever tell them. 


I decided to walk through town with Yu-ri on my hip.

I wanted her to know the sights and sounds I had known before and I could tell her small face expressed she had the curiosity and intrigue to know as well. 

We weren't as constantly watched and whispered about anymore and it made me feel much more comfortable mingling around and allowing her to take in the town. 

I stopped briefly to inhale the smell of the spices and foods merchants were selling on the roads and briefly lost myself when I felt someone bump into my back. 

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" said a female voice behind me. 

Turning I noticed a clearly pregnant young woman with long straight hair and large nearly golden eyes. She had bumped into me when I had stopped briefly and seemed to be gaining her balance back from a near tumble. 

"Oh, it's alright! Are you okay?" I asked worrying instantly about her condition. 

The woman seemed to shrug off my concern, waving calmly. "No worries at all ma'am! I should have watched where I was going!" 

I smiled at her quirky demeanor, thankful she was alright until the sound of a horse trotting behind us caught my attention. 

The people began to part and whisper as two horses made their way over quickly. 

The first horse carried a handsome man with angled features who looked concerned. He was clad in something that looked similar to the Hwarang uniform but before I could get a closer look, he had jumped off the horse and began to frantically inspect the woman before me. 

"Ah-ro! Are you okay?!" He asked checking her face, arms, and finally resting on her stomach. 

He must be her husband, I concluded, watching him fret over her as she frowned and tried to peel away from him in annoyance. 

The man suddenly turned and faced me firmly, causing me to take a step back.

"Aish! Watch where you are going!" he said making me frown. 

"Excuse me, but I apologized. It was an accident and your wife is just fine. It doesn't seem like she wants you to be making a big deal about it either." I said, pointing out her obvious discomfort. 

He went to say something else when another voice interrupted him, "Hey Moo Myung, stop being so dramatic. Are you sure you aren't the wife?" 

My eyes instantly grew at the playful insult hurled at him. 

On the second horse, now next to us and dressed in obviously royal attire, was another man. He oozed grace and elegance. 

He was tall, fair, and absolutely handsome...

He rode up between us and his presence instantly shut up the worried husband in question. 

I stood there for a second until it became even more obvious who was before me and instantly bowed lowly while still clutching Ji-na. 

"Your majesty," I said avoiding eye contact and trying my best to show my utmost respect to the King of Silla. 

I didn't look up until I felt an arm lightly placed on my shoulder.

I turned my head upwards and was face to face with the young King. 

"You're Kim Yeo-wool's sister aren't you? It's a pleasure to meet the woman who's shaken up my Hwarang lately," He said with a playful smile. 

I was stunned. 

His eyes moved toward Ji-na, "Your daughter correct? She's precious. You must be proud." He said with another smile.

Ji-na's extroverted side came out instantly and with a toothy grin she responded for me, "I'm Ji-na!" 

The King laughed before leaning to address her personally, "Hello Ji-na! My name is Sam Maek Jong. Did you know I'm a king?" 

Ji-na's eyes grew wide and she gasped, "Eomeoni! King!" She said pointing and laughing. 

I stood frozen, unsure what to do about the situation. 

His majesty turned back to face me, "I hope to see you again Mrs. Park and Ji-na," He said turning to return to his horse. 

What possessed me to reply the following I had no idea...

"Miss, your majesty," I corrected him carefully with a bow. 

He hoisted himself up, turning a final handsome grin toward us, "Well then, Miss Park, I look forward to seeing you even more so," He said before riding off. 

Whispers began to rise around us and I could feel the gazes especially of women hitting me from every angle. 

All I could do was stand in shock wondering what in the world just happened... 

Author's Note: OH MANNNNNN! Sorry for the update delay! We're heading back into things now. What do you think will happen now~ 

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