Chapter 2: Soon

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The carriage moved us through the forests of Silla, every step closer to the Capital and my old home.  

I had been anxious since the moment we began getting ready to leave that morning. I had nearly dropped several cases before my Aunt stepped in, insisting I sit and breathe for a bit. 

I had felt the familiar tightening in my chest that meant I would soon be unable to breathe and would be left panicking until I could calm down somehow. I would have gone into one of those episodes had Jin-a not come to my aid, asking if I could play with her and snapping me back to my present. 

Now in the carriage inching closer to our destination, my anxiety had turned into me messing with my sleeves constantly, staring out the small window, and watching my daughter entertain herself, clearly more excited to be traveling. 

"Yu-ri. You're making me anxious. I swear I can hear your thoughts screaming." My aunt said, pausing from her sewing and giving me a look. 

"Joesonghamnida, I can't help it... D-Do you think Yeo-wool will be upset? I didn't tell him about something so major in my life. Do you think the others will really believe that my 'husband' passed and I'm a widow?" I rambled, letting my inner thoughts out. 

"Truthfully? I don't know. Yeo-wool has never been the angry kind and we both know that. But I know you are both siblings. Talk to him. It's up to you, to be honest with him or not. As for the others? Screw them! Capital gossip will exist whether it's true or not." She said, tossing her greying hair over her shoulder, imitating the noble girls. 

I laughed at her attempt to make me calm, but she was right as always.

"Momma? I'm hungry." Jin-a's voice called out as I felt her drop her head in my lap.

"Well looks like we should stop for a break don't you think? Some fresh air is just what we need!" 


Jin-a munched on a roll from the blanket we had laid out in the grass. 

The sun was shining and the weather thankfully good for travel. At this rate, we'd be at the Capital shortly. 

Letting out a deep breath, I turned to my family eating, "I'm going to walk a little. I think I need it." 

I got another look from my aunt before I added, "I won't go far and I'll take my bow."

The forests always felt so welcoming to me. The green of the trees and the sounds of nature were incredibly calming. It felt like I could breathe clearer out there and as my fingers touched a flower, I let my fears relax for a second enough to focus on the positive. 

Soon I'd be seeing Yeo-wool again. My handsome brother. I couldn't wait to embrace him after so long. 

Jin-a would finally meet her Uncle Yeo-wool, who she had only heard of in stories I told her from time to time, but I just knew she'd love him. 

My family would be together again. 

The sound of horses and a screech instantly chilled me. 

"Jin-a!" I yelled, running toward my family. 


Nearby in the same forests, two Hwarang soldiers in their uniform rode horseback. 

Kim Soo-ho and Park Ban-ryu were on patrol of the roads leading to the Capital after reports of a few bandits creating trouble in their peaceful borders. The King had entrusted them to keep an eye out for any issues and assist anyone that needed it. 

For their part, they had seen absolutely nothing but trees and rocks on their ride today. 

A loud yawn came from one of the men. 

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