Chapter 1

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Aubrey's p.o.v
Today is Monday and right now in Orlando, Florida it's like freaking 103 degrees outside. I took a cold shower and got ready and all that jazz. I wore a black crop top with a white fancy collar, Galaxy skater skirt, a couple studded bracelets, sunglasses, and my studded black pumps with clear heels. (Outfit in media box)

I walked down stairs and made some oatmeal and sat on the couch. Wes, Riles, and Bear were running around the house, probably wanting food so I fed them and grabbed my white leather hobo/tote bag and went out the door to school. If your wondering were my parents are they are never around so I practically live alone. I skated to my bus stop barely making it on time. I got in the bus and sat with my normal group. I'm popular and the well known because I have 10 million on YouTube. I have met a lot of youtubers through it but I wish I wasn't popular just because I'm well known.

On top of that all the girls at my school only hang out with me because I'm well known. I'm friends with a lot of guys because the don't care that I'm famous. I skated through the halls and got to my locker.

---------skipping school
*on the bus.

I was riding on the bus when I saw a little girl on the side of the road, she looked like she was asleep...or worse.

"STOP THE BUS!!" I yelled. The bus driver stopped the bus and opened the doors I got off the bus and ran to the little girl. We were on a deserted street so she couldn't have gotten lost at a store. I approached the little girl with everyone on the bus watching me through the window.

"Hey you okay?" I asked shaking her.

"Ummm no?" She said more of a question.

"Why are you out here by your self?" I asked crouching down to her height.

"Nashy was supposed to pick me up but it's been 7 hours." She mumbled.

"I'm not gonna let you sit her by your self you could get hurt, would you like to come with me, your probably hungry." I said smiling lightly.

She nodded her head slowly falling asleep again. I picked her up and set her on my hip.

"Aubriana you can't take her on this bus, she's a stranger." The bus driver said.

"She's my uh sister, mom my left her at a store and she wondered over here, so she's going on this bus!" I said sternly.

"Very well." She said letting me through.

"Hey babes (her nickname) finally found someone her size," Colten said.

"Colten I love you as a brother but shut up!" I said sitting down in my seat. We got to my bus stop and I got off. I held the girl on my left hip and my skate board in my right hand and bag over my right shoulder. I made it home and threw my stuff on the floor. Wes, Riles and Bear came running to greet me.

"Puppies!!!!" The girl said. She jumped out of my arms and started petting the dogs. Bear started licking her face causing her to giggle. I giggled too, her laugh is just really contagious.

"So what's your name?" I asked.

"Skylynn Floyd-Grier but I'm called sky." She said smiling.

"My name is Aubriana. But people call me Aubrey, or babes.

"You hungry," I asked nodding my head towards the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah yeah!!!" She jumped up and down running to the kitchen. I giggled and ran behind her. I looked in the fridge but there was no food. I never bought food dammit.

"Hey wanna go to a diner and eat there?"

"Yeah yeah yeah!" She screamed again jumping up and down.

We walked to the diner since I can't drive yet and got a small booth. I ordered a small Mountain Dew and some fries. And sky ordered Mac n cheese.

"So sky. What happened before found you?"

"Ummm well I went on a plane to go see my brothers in New York and they never picked me up like they promised." She frowned kinda bummed out.

"Ohhhhh. Sky it's not there fault. You're in Florida. You must have took the wrong flight. So all y have to do is get on a flight to New York."

"Would you go with me?!" She asked sweetly.

"I don't know I have school and YouTube."

"Please, being alone on the plane is scary. Please your my best fwend." She pleaded. I sat there thinking until I saw tears escape her eyes.

"Okay okay. Hey look we can book a flight when we get back. You can see your brothers in no time, but for right now let's get to know each other!" I said trying to make her happy agian. She smiled lightly and Nodded.

S=sky a=Aubriana

A: favorite color?

S: hot pink! What's yours!?

A: mine is pastel purple. Favorite animal?

S: Horseys!!! What yours!?

A: a wolf. Favorite things to do?

S: ride tex and Dallas!!! Or make vines!!

A: you make vines!!! So do I! (She is a viner too) what's your vine name.

I grab my phone ready to type in her name. She tells me it's just her name so I type in skylnn Floyd and it shows up.

A: you have millions of followers sky! How?

S: my brothers are vine famous.

A: what's their names?

S: Hayes and Nash Grier.

I looked them up and Nash has 6 million almost as much as me. I looked at his recent vine and realized I've seen him before and he's pretty funny.

A: I've seen Nash before! Not in person but on vine and things.

S: are you vine famous?

A: yeah I guess, I have 8 million followers but I'm more of a youtuber.

Sky and I finished our food, I paid and we left the diner with her on my hip. We walked outside and instantly got mobbed by paparazzi.

"Is this your sister? Or daughter?"

"Why do you have Skylnn?"

"Are you and Nash and item? Or Hayes?"

"Are you babysitting her?"

"Are Nash and Hayes in Florida as well?"

All the paparazzi asked.

"Listen, this is just a misunderstanding, she was supposed to go New York but got on the wrong flight!" I said.

I don't hate paparazzi the are just doing there job. But this is gonna be in magazines tomorrow.

I called a taxi knowing they would follow me home. I got in the taxi and soon got home. It was already 9:00 and I booked a flight tomarrow at 7:00am so I have to get up early. I put sky in bed and went to sleep myself.

Later that night Sky asked if she could sleep with me so I let her.

Writing what sky says is kind of hard because I have to think would a 4 year old actually say that.

So sorry if it's poor but oh well I tried.

Bye x

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