Chapter Twelve-The Symbol

Start from the beginning

(Me too lazy to color things, only the flag gets colored. And shading)

"Poland! What the heck happened to one of your eyes?!" Bela exclaimed. "W-What?" Poland stuttered, clearly confused. He reaches for his eye. "W-What is this li-liquid?" Poland asks. "I don't know is all I can say." Kaz sighed. "Where are the others?" You ask. "I-I am not sure. When you left, I went to my room. T-Then I heard shouting and came back to the living room and i-it all went black......" Poland explained, still in shock. Bela reaches to touch the liquid coming out of Poland's eye. "HOLY CHEESECAKE! THAT IS SO HOT!" Bela screams. "Wait, it is?" Poland asks Bela. "Yea! How come you didn't feel it?!" Bela says. "Bela, calm down." Ukie calms Bela down. "We have to investigate what has happened, like a detective!" says Kaz. You chuckle. "Yea, lets do that." You say.


Third Person pov

"So......The plan was a success?"

"Yes, it was. We just couldn't capture Poland."

"Why couldn't we?"

"One of the spies knocked him out, but used the wrong machine. The machine he used was the 'Eyed Transmissior'."

"Maybe we can make good use out of it."

"When should we activate rage mode?"

"When they find us. Plus we got new guests too. Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan."

"But they mean no harm, why are we capturing them?" The boy came in to the room and the assistant left.

"We can study about them more. Some of them even have powers. We can use their powers."

"But how?"

"Easy. By killing  them."

"But what about my sister?!"

"She is in good hands. She will learn why she shouldn't have let them live with her."


"You want her to be safe. That's why you came to me. You even faked your death!"

"But we shouldn't be do-"

"No buts! Now, go back outside and let the others do their work!"

"Oh........" The boy said while walking out of the room.

"Bryan, what was that for?"

"Andrew. He needs to learn."

"But why shout at him?"

"He needs to learn. Well, why did he look for us? Can't he remember? It's for her safety. These countries are planning something and we have to stop them!"

"Typical Bryan..." Andrew mumbled before going back to his station.

"Now, I shall get beck to what I have to do."

Walking in the corridor, he finally reaches the cells. The cells which contained the countries. But all of them are passed out. He walks up to a certain country. "You have very fast movements. You have a power that is going to help us a lot." He says to the country. "Might as well.........kill you first." He takes out his gun, pointing it at the certain passed out country's head.


A flick of the wrist and the bullet was in the air.

But to the man's suprise, the country did not die. With his katana, the country cut the bullet in half. But to the man's luck, he was outside of the cell, to which the country couldn't reach. "Now that's a power that is very handy." Bryan says before glaring at the country, who was blindfolded. "Where am I?!" The country shouted. The man just walked off, leaving the country unanswered. "くそ."(F*ck) JE said. He was clearly unhappy that he got captured. He was sleeping on the couch.

(Why do people put blindfolds over people who already have eyepatches, lmao

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(Why do people put blindfolds over people who already have eyepatches, lmao. Yes the art is mine lmao. JE angy.)


Sorry this is so short. Have an angy JE though....Drawing and writing stories during class go whoosh....Lmao. Hope that you all enjoyed this short chapter. Some of the countries don't have flags for their face. They have eyepatches, eyes not oval shape but in the shape of their flag ex. Nepal, have their flag colors on their hair, like JE but he also have eyepatch. Lmao, tryna be original here.


-Cheez Out-

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