Chapter 30: Dream

Start from the beginning

"Please, Kylie I'm ready right now. Just say the word and I'll mark him. Please! I've been dying to mark him. He's ours. I want him so bad!" Luna pleads and begs

I don't even think, he's driven me crazy and his words have now caused a puddle of arousal to gush out of me. If he doesn't fuck me soon I think I might just spontaneously combust. He keeps saving me and putting my needs before his. He's even given me a Condition that still leaves it up to me. They say your dreams manifest from your waking life. And I think this is my subconscious telling me I'm ready. And that he shouldn't have had to prove anything in the first place, because if he didn't want me for me he would have rejected me out right. So he's more than proved it. And I love him so it's the next logical- omg did I just say, I love him already? It just came out, but I do and I can't wait to tell him.

"Luna..." I'm giving permission
"Yes!!" She yips in excitement

As he's nibbling my ear he's left his throat vulnerable so giving Luna the go ahead she pushes forward enough to elongate my canines and I bite him. Marking him mine and hopefully he will now put me out of my misery and fuck me.

"Ahhh, fuck... You naughty, sneaky minx. You've done it now, no more waiting." Hes just about to line himself up and I think. Fuck I wish this was real right now. I want to wake up and make it a reality. Oh goddess! What if he can read my mind and I'm projecting my dream to him. The tip is right there but he's stopped moving. I lift my hips to meet his but he pulls back

"W-why have you stopped? You just said if I mar-" but he rudely cuts me off

"Little mate. Do you think you're dreaming?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"Well I don't remember waking up- why are you looking at me like that? You're totally killing my libido. I was very much looking forward to having you fuck me. And as this is my dream.... So fuck me!" I demand with a whiney voice

"For fuck sake" He mutters under his breath as he gets up, I try to stop him but he pins my hands till hes on his feet then let's go as he then backs away from me to the wall. I shift the the bottom of the bed in confusion then stand

"You marked me. I told you not too unless you were ready.... Zander is... really struggling right now. I need you to... get dressed and go see Parker." He says through gritted teeth looking away from me. I touch my neck where his mark is, as it all of a sudden starts to burn, that's weird, my dream shouldn't hurt right? His burnt amber eyes snap to me. And a deep rumble starts to rise from his chest, sending delicious waves of pleasure through me and I moan

"Don't fucking tease me mate! Your window of opportunity is closing. Keep this up and I won't hesitate to take you. No matter HOW Jesse feels about it.... Stop. touching. it!" Zander asserts. I'm totally confused and horney. This is my dream i-

"Kylie! He's telling you it isn't a dream"

"Yeah that's what I'd say too. I don't remember waking up so how is this not a dream? Plus you didn't tell me before marking him, I'm positive that's something the real Luna would do if I was in fact sleeping!" I snark at her. I see her in my mind's eye blush and look embarrassed

"LUNAA!" she needs to say something and fast

"Im sorry but i really want our mate. You keep putting it off. What else was I supposed to do? You want it just as bad, if not more so, than I do anyway. What's the problem?" She implored

"The problem!? The problem is LUNA, that I'd have mated him thinking it was a dream. You should have fucking said something. Me and you are gonna be having words, this is not on Luna. Fuck! What were you trying to accomplish"

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