MIRAE Scenario - Hyung Line

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Scenario : You being clingy and sleepy in the morning


He would probably wake up first and head downstairs to make breakfast. He was startled when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso.

"Good morning, flower," he'd hum, smiling at the feeling of you bury your face in his back.

"I don't like it. Mornings suck," you groaned, hugging him tighter in an attempt to not fall asleep while standing up.
He chuckled and turned down the frying pan, turning around to give you a proper hug, running his hand through your hair while the other hung loosely around your shoulders.

"Why are you so cuddly and cute this morning?" He asked, making you look up at him with puppy eyes.

"Because I miss youuuu," you puffed out your cheeks, resulting in Lien leaning down to give you a long kiss.

"You're so cute."


You'd probably wake up first, rubbing your eyes as you look over at Junhyuk, who was sleeping like a log.
You sighed and turned towards him, wrapping your limbs around his body like a koala bear.
He groaned slightly in his sleep and slid his arm around your waist, you smiled as you buried your head in his chest.

"What time is it..?" He murmured like stretching.

"I don't knowww," you replied, hugging him tighter so he won't move.

Junhyuk smiled down at you and cuddled you, the both of you eventually falling back asleep again.


He'd probably wake up early to get ready for the day as he deemed in necessary to do his skincare routine and shower early in the morning.
As he showered, you slowly shuffled your way into the bathroom, earning a wide smile from Douhyun.

"Good morning, my precious," he grinned, waving as you crossed your arms.

"You sound like that goblin-thing from 'Lord of the Ring-Dings'," you rolled your eyes.

"Well, I meant it as a compliment- what are you doing?" His eyes widened as you began to undress.

"Well, I would like to hug you, but you are showering so the only way to do that would be to shower with you," you replied, your eyes still half closed as you disgarded your last piece of clothing; your underwear.
Douhyun covered his eyes out of habit, even though you always tell him that you don't care if he looks at you as he's seen it all before.
You jumped in the shower and wrapped your arms around his torso, your body eventually becoming soaked from the shower.
Douhyun wrapped his arms around your shoulders and planted small kisses all over your face.

"I love you so much," he whispered in your ear as he-

Yuh imma just leave the rest up to your imagination 🤡


Omg major CRINGE

the first chapter is always the worst im sorry

But hello there girls and gays

And whalecum to whatever shitshow is abt to happen in this book idfk

Yuh have a good day or night

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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