Chapter 17

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     "How is he?" I ask, genuinely worried Audrey's not-boyfriend.

     It's only been a few hours since Marline died, and Audrey's been with Jackson the entire time. He's not really one to show his emotions, so he's had kind of a blank expression all day, from what I've seen anyway.

     "He's....alive." Audrey, who just walked back into our room, answers uncertainly. "He's not really saying or doing much though. He's just kind of staring at his wall and looking really sad. I mean, I get it, Marline really was his only family, and now she's gone."

     Oh shit. Here it comes. Both Kat and Audrey are looking at me expectantly, and I know exactly what they want me to say. I REALLY don't want to say it though. I get that it's all sad and depressing that his sister died, but is it really our problem? Apparently so.

     With immense dread, I claw the offer I really don't want to throw on the table out of my throat. "Jackson....can stay with us, if he wants."

     "Really?" Audrey says, her eyes lighting up. "Thank you."

     That's the only way all of this is worth it, is if it makes her happy. However, this is going to make my plan slightly more difficult, because it's an extra person I have to deal with. Maybe Edgar would take him doesn't matter right now though, since we're apparently heading out tomorrow, so I need to get on that train tonight.


     It's around midnight now, and I'm dressed in all black and sneaking out of Factionless headquarters. I manage to get out undetected, and onto the train. I creep inside one of the carts, and it's so shadowy and dark in here that I can barely see two steps in front of me. I probably should have brought a flashlight.

     A few moments of silence pass, as I look out at the moving landscape beyond me. I take a deep breath, and feel like I'm finally able to relax. That is, until a voice behind me breaks the silence.

     "You know, Arrow, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you have some forbidden love that you don't want Kat or Audrey to know about. If that's where you're going now, I'd suggest you get off the train, before I throw you off."

     I let out a long breath through my nose and clench my fists. Why. The hell. Can Edgar. NOT. LEAVE. ME. ALONE.

     "You know, Edgar, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you have some serious stalking issues." I mock, using the same tone of voice. I turn around, and see him standing behind me, giving me a suspicious look. "What? Did you put a tracking chip on me? How the hell do you know where I am at all times?!"

     "Where are you going, Arrow?" Edgar sighs, TOTALLY not answering my question AT ALL.

     "I'm going to save my family. We're in danger, and we need to go somewhere safe." I answer, hoping if I tell him the truth he'll go away quicker.

     "We're all in danger." Edgar growls, taking a step towards me. "Every single person going to war with Erudite is in danger! You're a goddamn coward if you run away. I don't care if you're trying to protect my sister or not, you can't run away. If you want to protect her, then fight along with her, because she's sure as hell not going to run away with you."

     "She did before, so she will again." I say confidently, although I'm not as confident as I sound. She would come with me, right?

     "It's different this time though. Kat has family here." Edgar points out.

     "Right, family." I let out a bitter laugh. "Because you were so eager to find her. It was your father who told you to do it. You wouldn't have done anything to help her otherwise, then or now. All you are is a follower. You let people tell you what to do, but besides that, you don't give a shit, not even for Kat. You're a terrible brother, and she deserves so much better than you."

     Pure rage engulfs Edgar's eyes, and at first I feel satisfied for telling him off, until he abruptly lurches forward and slams into me. I fall backwards, and as I falling I realize the train cart door is still open, and I'm falling right through it. Straight. Towards. The tracks.

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