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Your POV

"Y/nnn! Wake up" I was woken up by someone shaking me.

"Yes I'm up" I rubbed my eyes and got up from my bed.

"I made you breakfast but you better eat it quick since we have like 20 minutes until I have to drop you off and I know how you take long in the bathroom" she smiled and turned on the tv.

"Pftt okay let me get changed" I playfully rolled my eyes and picked out my clothes.

I wore a f/c hoodie and black ripped pants with converse shoes.

I didn't much put makeup because it's the first day and I might just look like a clown with a lot of makeup on.

I fixed my hair quick and headed towards the kitchen. "10 minutes left" She reminded me.

Time skip to school•

I got out of the car and closed the door. I heard the window rolling down and I turned around to see her smiling.

"Don't get into trouble unless someone is bullying you and you are defending yourself since is okay with me but be safe and have fun" I laughed and nodded. "Love you!" I said and she returned it and drove off.

I turned back to me facing the school building and sighed.

'Dont be nervous just try your best' I walked inside and got my schedule.

I felt eyes on me which made me uncomfortable so I just hurried to my class.

I opened the door and saw some in groups chatting around while others were in their seats.

It looked like the teacher wasn't bothered but soon began class.

"So it looks like we have a new student" and everyone looked at me just standing near the door.

'Yikes of course the attention'

I went beside the teacher. "You can introduce yourself" she gave me a warm smile.

"My name is Y/n and I recently came here from California and hoping to restart my life here" I slightly smiled.

"Thank you Y/n you can sit next to Ashley, Ash can you please raise your hand" then a hand went up in the air and I headed towards the girl.

I sat in the empty seat beside her. She smiled "Hello there". "Hey.." I returned the smile.

"Well the teacher already introduced me but I'm Ashley but you can call me Ash, either one or fine" I nodded and I put my backpack down.

Time Skip to lunch•

I was heading towards my locker but stopped because I felt someone having their eyes on me and I looked around to see a blonde hair boy staring at me.

He noticed me looking at him and he quickly looked away.

I raised an eyebrow and continued to put my stuff away in my locker.

"Hey Y/n!" I jumped a bit and looked over to see Ash. "Jesus you scared me" she chuckled "my bad".

"It's okay is there anything you want?" I leaned against my locker. "Wellll I was wondering if you wanna come eat with me and my friends, they would love to meet you" it took me awhile to decide if I should.

"Sure why not" I smiled and she grabbed my hand and speed walked towards the cafeteria.

Ash stopped at a table. "So guys I want you to meet the new person that came to our school" I revealed myself and they just stared at me.

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