09, days of chaos

Start from the beginning

Enzo stood up, looking at the boys before looking at Daphne and Trinity. Newt pointed his staff at his face. "Don't look at her."

The doors of the maze began to open, and Enzo's eyes widened. "Are you serious? All this over her? I was just trying to have a little bit of fun—"

Newt pushed him to the ground with the staff, temped to hit him in the back of the head.

"Enough, Newt," Alby spoke up and looked at Enzo. "You hurt another Glader, and for that you must be banished. Move in!"

The boys with staffs began to walk forward, forcing Enzo to walk into the maze. Trinity threw a backpack at him, flipping him off with her middle finger in the process. "Good luck, fucker!"

Daphne looked at Enzo, taking a deep breath as the doors closed.


A bondfire was lit that night, not in celebration, even though Trinity had full intentions on celebrating Enzo's banishment, but just to give everyone a chance to relax after the chaotic two days.

Newt looked at Daphne, who had a bowl of strawberries in her hands as the two sat in front of the bondfire. "You know, I can sleep up there with you again."

"Really?" Daphne questioned. "Can you?"

"Yeah, Alby won't mind." Newt nodded. "I just want you to rest a bit after everything."

"Daph, how are you still wearing that jacket? It's hot as balls tonight!" Minho said as he, Trinity, and Fry walked up to them.

"Not hot." Daphne shrugged and Trinity looked at her, knowing why she wouldn't take the jacket off.


"Drop it." Trinity cut Minho off, Newt looking at them strangely.

"Anyways, a bunch of us are going for a swim in the river, if you two want to come." Minho offered.

"Isn't Alby gonna say to pack up soon?" Newt wondered.

"I think he'll be a bit more lenient." Minho replied.

"The river is freezing though." Trinity said.

"And it's hot as balls, so come on, Trin." Minho reminded.

"You truly will do anything to see her in a bra, won't you?" Fry patted Minho's shoulder as he walked up to the group.

"Ew!" Minho and Trinity said in unison and Daphne and Newt laughed.

"Come on Daphie, it'll be fun," Trinity agreed. "Newt?"

"Sure, why not?" Newt stood up. "After the chaos of these last couple days, we all deserve a bit of fun."

Trinity sat down next to her sister, whispering, "It'll be dark enough so no one will see your marks."

Daphne gave her a questioning look and Trin nodded in reassurance before the younger sister said, "Fine, I'm in."

"River party, ya shanks!" Minho screamed as a bunch of the Gladers ran to the river, already jumping in. Newt and Daphne walked to their usual spot near the river, the blonde boy taking off his jacket and his shirt.

Daphne's eyes widened and she turned around. She took a deep breath before shrugging off her jacket. Glancing down at her shirt, she glanced at Newt, "Do you think I can just go in a shirt?"

"Of course, Frypan just jumped in fully-clothed." Newt reminded and Daphne smiled slightly. "Come on, I'll be with you the whole time."

The two walked over to the river as Trinity took off her shirt before jumping into the water, making sure to splash Minho and Fry.

"Trin, you shank!" Minho yelled and Trinity laughed.

Newt smirked at Daphne, and she gave him a look. "Oh no, what are you thinking?"

His smirk only grew before he grabbed her by the waist, pulling them both into the water. Daphne screamed slightly as they dove, popping out of the water with giggles leaving her lips. Newt smiled at the sound of her laugh, looking at her.

Daphne shook her head at him, splashing him a few times and Newt laughed, "Nene!"

"Revenge!" She yelled and Trinity hopped on her sister's back, Daphne letting out a shriek.

"Hi Daphie." Trinity smiled.

"Hi Trinnie." Daphne giggled before falling back into the water, sending them both under water. The two sisters jumped out of the water and Trinity glared at Daphne. "Oops?"

"Betrayed by my own sister," Trinity sighed, placing a hand over her heart dramatically and Daphne laughed.

"That's a bit much, Trin." Newt smirked, pulling Daphne to his chest and she smiled.

"You two disgust me." Trinity scoffed and Newt and Daphne both blushed. "Daphne, let's fight!"

"What?" She laughed, giving her a look. "No! You'll kick my ass!"

"I think you can take her, Nene." Newt shrugged and Daphne shook her head.

"Not actually fighting, dummy!" Trinity said. "Get on Newt's shoulders, I'll get on Minho's and then we'll fight, it'll be a team effort."

"Oh, we're kicking your arses." Newt smirked and gave Daphne a look.

"Minho, wanna kick some ass?" Trinity yelled and the boy swam over.

"Always." He agreed.

"Let me get on your shoulders." Trinity smiled and Minho nodded.

"Ready?" Newt looked at Daphne and she nodded before Newt went underwater, placing her legs on his shoulders. Daphne grabbed his hands tightly he stood up, smiling. "Wow, Daph, you're actually tall for once!"

"Rude." Daphne rolled her eyes as Trinity got on Minho's shoulders. "Frypan, do the countdown!"

Fry laughed before saying, "3, 2, 1, go!"

Newt and Minho walked towards each other, making Trinity and Daphne lean forward slightly and hold each other's hands, trying to knock the other off.

"You got it, Daph." Newt mumbled and Daphne smiled, pushing Trinity back a bit.

"Shit!" Minho yelled as he tried to regain his balance.

"Newt, I swear, if you drop me—" Daphne said nervously.

Newt smiled, pretending to accidentally trip and Daphne let out a small shriek, making Newt laugh. "Not funny, Newt!"

"Kind of funny." He corrected. "Now push your sister off!"

"Got it!" Daphne smiled and backed up a bit, dodging Trin's attempt to push her. "Newt, push Minho!"

The blonde did as she said, pushing Minho back and he began to lose his balance before Daphne pushed Trinity as well.

Minho and Trinity fell into the water, and Daphne and Newt smiled. "Victory!"

"We won!" Newt yelled, bending down a bit so Daphne could hop off his shoulders. "Nice job, partner."

"You too, partner." Daphne giggled and the two looked at their losing competitors. Minho shook his head, frowning,

"I want a rematch, but Newt and I go on the girls' shoulders this time!"

hehe working on the last chapter of this book and then moving on to the scorch trials😍😍

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