want you to play with me

Start from the beginning

"I'll have the place all to ourselves in just a few hours, but I need you so badly, babe. Like... Right Now." Louis cooed with a shaky breath. Jesus. It's ridiculous how turned on he is — Harry's just talking to him. But Harry can't say otherwise because he's feeling way too greedy himself.

"Lou's being greedy tonight, hm? That's not something good boys do, do they? Lou?" Harry pressed a sweet and tempting kiss on the shell of his ears, licking it just to see the boy squirm and cry even more.

"P-Please," he begged like a needy little slut. Harry's needy little slut. Louis just wants Harry to shake his world, make him fall apart, fuck him until he's pleading him to stop but asking for more at the same time. Fucking himself on whatever Harry supplies — dripping down and making a God awful mess of the sheets — making the housekeeper fluster when they change it to something freshly clean the next day. Louis wants it all.

Harry grasps Louis' head in his large palms — massaging his scalp, looking at the blue eyes that were dark with lust — pupils dilated, Harry could see him floating already.

Louis wasn't even fucked — yet he looked so fucked out like he's already in his headspace. Harry leaned forward and pressed his lips on his little Lou gingerly — Louis' eyelids fluttered, fingers clasped tightly behind Harry's neck. Yes, this is what he wants and so much more. More. Harry tugged on his hair and a moan filled his mouth — an innocent gasp perhaps. Harry nibbled on Louis' red bitten lips and lick his way through the seam of his lips, sucking his tongue and opening his mouth with it a bit more, drawing him in and gulping a sinful sound that Louis couldn't keep in, Harry had to pull away before he ended up doing something to him while their friends were playing games in the next room.

"God, look at you gagging for it, aren't you?" Harry smugly darts his eyes from Louis' pink lips to his ocean blue eyes; that he helplessly drowns in every time.

"I'll be good, I promise." Louis' glassy pleading eyes had so much desire to it, he had no idea and no one in this world knew that other than Harry. Only Harry. Harry blinked when he felt another twitch from Louis' cock that channeled through Harry's thighs and sank straight in his wonderfully hard cock. All because of this boy, his boy.

"Let's do something about it then." Harry smacked Louis' juicy ass that he always had a hard time keeping his hands away from. It's sinful how voluptuous his ass is, so meaty and delicious. God, he wants to bite it and mark him up. Later, he reprimanded himself.

Harry gently ushered him away and walked into the bedroom, earning a whiny sound in return from the boy who he left abandoned on the couch. Harry smirked unabashedly.

Louis on the other hand was greedy today, he just wants Harry right fucking now. He shamelessly bit his lip and pressed a hand on his clothed cock and palmed himself a bit, being alert of Harry walking in on him anytime while he's getting himself off of the thought of Harry playing with him. Harry never liked when Louis touched himself without his permission or just without Harry in general. He was strict when it came to pleasuring Louis and God — Louis loved him so much.

He was about to take his hand away when his luck got worse when Harry indeed walked in on him — Louis flinched his hand away like it was on fire and met with two green eyes that were dark with lust and anger, Louis' face fell in a flushed look that was oh so innocent.

"Don't touch what's not yours, Lou." the stern wave in Harry's voice sure didn't sound sweet and it stung Louis in his cock, he was so turned on. Maybe Louis did want himself to get caught.

Louis visibly breathed when Harry moved closer with something behind his back, making it unable for Louis to see what it was. Creating the sizzling anticipation and temptation. Harry stood in between Louis' legs, making him strain his neck and look up at the broad shoulders and heaving chest. Louis felt small and vulnerable — he folded his hands behind his back as a quick reflex and Harry looked beyond smug, good boy.

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