Chapter.7-You're save with me

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(Not my characters and not my pictures)

The most terrible hours of your life have finally cone to an end, the evening has arrived in salazen grum, and you can finally set out to the meeting place in which stayne wants to meet you. The hours of torment are broken and you can finally see the person who you heart beat for, Stayne...You are still in your room to take the necessary things with you, after all, the night will start soon and you have the feeling that this night will be a long and cold night. You're done and look into the mirror once again, you're sure you can go now. So you leave the room and go to the meeting point high above the castle wall.

After a few minutes, you've arrived at the castle wall and getting closer and closer to your meeting point. You're wearing a long cape with a large hood over your head that keeps you warm. You walk the wall and walk along until you suddenly see a person from far. It's none other than Stayne waiting for you at the meeting point. Your gaze only focuses on him and you run towards him too long in his strong arms. You run and run until you are caught by the strong arms of stayne after a short time. Since he's so tall, he crouched so that you'll have it easier to run into his arms. His strong arms hug you and you feel his warmth. You have swung your arms tightly around his neck and for joy but at the same time pain, your tears run down your cheeks.

Y/n:,,Stayne!! I have you again, back in my arms! I'm so happy to see you again, but at the same time it couldn't stand to see you all day long. The day was bad, as bad as you can't imagine. I don't even want to think about it, even if I feel bad. Oh, Stayne...I'll be back with you, I love you above all else in the world!'' - *You can feel this energy, the feeling of love and warmth again when you hug him and are with him. Your heart is melting, you're with him and this feeling is indescribable*

Ilosovic stayne:,,I'm incredibly happy to keep you back in my arms and know that I can protect you again and nothing will happen to you while you're with me! Believe me, I couldn't stand seeing you either, my heart was broken and an important part was! Now you're with me y/'s all good I'm just for you, all to yourself.''

The hug broke loose and Stayne was still kneled at your height. He held you further to your hips and he strokes your tears away with one hand. He's looking you in the eye.

Ilosovic stayne:,,I love you y/n, now everything is fine since you're with me but listen. I'm supposed to go on a mission, but alone, without the guards. But I don't care about this mission because I know we won't find Alice like that or the other, and I also know that it's one of the people you know and she's a way to get out of here. I want to use this time to be with you, the mission has no value for me because you're more important in my life than anything else. But trust me nothing will happen to you and if then only I have to endure suffering, but I promise you that won't happen, we will be here unnoticed again in the end, I promise you my love!''

Y/n:,,I always trust you and I would always do. Everything for you, everything, I'll take everything to be with you, and you know that, stayne!''

Stayne looks at you and smiles. He gets up and takes your hand. He leads you to a door, it's one of the emergency exits of the castle, but a little hidden so that you can't be seen leaving the castle. Stayne opens the door and several stairs spread out in front of you. Something scared, you look down and through the area. You hadn't seen the area outside the castle for years. You turn your eyes back to Stayne and look at him.

Ilosovic stayne:,, Don't be afraid! Of course, you don't have to go down there alone.''

With his left hand, he grabs you by your hips and with the right one under your legs. He lifts you up on his arms to help you down. You cautiously slip your arms around his neck and put your head on his chest, you close your eyes and at that moment you only trust Stayne.

Once at the bottom, his horse stands and slowly and carefully you sit on the front side of his horse. He rises immediately afterwards, but sits behind you so that he can hold you. His left arm is wrapped around your stomach and with the other hand he holds the reins of his horse. You lean against his chest with your back and head and breathe deeply in and out.

Ilosovic stayne:,,Ready? Close your eyes if you want it's going to be okay, I'm with you. You don't have to be afraid, I have you firmly in my arm and would never dare to let go. I'll take us away from here to a beautiful place for a few hours.

You constantly say his words and Stayne riding away. In a quick gallop, you leave the castle behind you. What are you doing?! both of you riding into the night to another place to be able to leave the castle for a short time? you know that he's protecting you well, but these thoughts are still going through your mind. But you decide to let go of your thoughts now and just focus on the moment. You know that he is there and will protect you and he will always do so, you feel safe with him and lean against his chest and close your eyes. You only focus on him and his heartbeat.

Stayne notices how you lean against his chest, you keep your eyes closed as he had told you it at the beginning. It's a sign to him that you trust him with everything you have and feel safe with him. He never thought in his previous life that there was someone who would love him, I mean, he hates himself and didn't know what you could love about him, but you give him a piece of hope, in any case you are the only thing that gives him hope because he has no one else in his life. He really loves you above all, even if it can sometimes be difficult for him to show that, you know he doesn't like to talk about his feelings, but he trusts you. He'll hold you tighter in his arm and look down to you to make sure you're okay. He can't believe it himself, a girl who loves him as he is and for a girl he would also give the world leans on his chest and feels safe with him while you want to leave the castle together for a few hours. Wow...this will definitely not only be the most beautiful hours for you, but also for him and believe me, it means a lot to him.........................

(To be continue)

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