"How's Casey doing?" I asked, jumping when I could hear someone knocking on the door.

"Oh, the usual: hormonal, always hungry, sleeping all the time—just the regular things a pregnant woman should be."

I chuckled quietly, pulling the phone from my ear when I heard someone speaking.

"Ma'am, you've been in there for quite some time. Is everything okay?" A soft woman's voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I called back. "Just... you know... my, uh... my cervix was ruptured a few days ago and it takes awhile to clean up sometimes!"

Hayden laughed loudly at my last-second response and I could feel the heat flood my face at the stuttered answer I got in response. I groaned to myself, burying my face in my hands.

"You're the worst liar in the whole goddamn family, have I ever told you that?" Hayden heaved through his laughs, making me glare at nothing in general.

"Go to hell, Hayden. You know I hate being put on the spot," I grumbled, hearing his laughter double. "Don't you have to go, asshole?"

"Yeah, yeah," he snorted out, making me roll my eyes. I fought back my own smile. "I'll see you in... what? Forty minutes?"

"Yup," I agreed, nodding. "I'll see you then. Love you."

"Love you, too," he chuckled, hanging up.


I ignored Breta the rest of the ride to Seattle. My mind was raising with nerves and excitement as I thought of what I would do now that I was a graduate. I could go explore the city, try some delicious food, buy some nice outfits for work...


I looked up from the calendar on my phone and a giant grin sported across my face, immediately getting on my knees to gather my niece in my arms.

"My beautiful rosebud," I said with a chuckle, kissing all over her face. I could hear Rose giggling like a maniac as I did so. "I missed you so much."

Rose smiled widely up at me and I stood on my feet, walking towards my brother and Casey. Casey encased me in a hug that I could hardly return because of her giant pregnant belly. I smiled, kissing her cheek before being pulled back into my older brother's arms.

"God, I missed your annoying ass," he mumbled into my hair, making me laugh and hug him back tightly.

I forgot how much I loved his hugs.

"You said you couldn't wait to get rid of me so many times," I joked, feeling him grab my suitcases. I grabbed the duffel bag and walked beside him.

"And I couldn't," he agreed, "but I love annoying you more than I love not annoying you."

"Jee, thanks."

Hayden chuckled and I felt Rose grab onto my hand, pulling me with her as we exited the airport.

"We're going to be going out tonight to have dinner," Casey told me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "I was thinking Boston Pizza since Rose loves their desserts. Have some laughs, feed my constantly-hungry fetus..."

I laughed, nodding in agreement. "Sounds good. I could use this first night out since I start working tomorrow."

Hayden moved in between his wife and daughter, casually picking Rose up. He grinned at her excited giggle and rested her on his hip, grabbing his keys and unlocking his truck doors. Once we were all in the car, he drove off and made his way to the highway.

As they talked, I couldn't help but get sucked into my own thoughts. Now that I was living in Seattle, starting my first real job for the first time, it felt like I could start over fresh and turn over a new leaf.

After partying a lot in my freshman and sophomore year (which led to doing things I really regretted), I realized that I should pit my career before anything else. I can't have myself distracted by anyone or anything now that I've made it this far. Mom and Dad were successful, Hayden managed to take over once Dad was ready to retire—I didn't want to be that one person in the family that didn't do anything with their lives.

College was a moment in my life I would rather much like to forget. The first two years gave me a reputation of constantly drinking and blacking out on the bathroom until the sun came up. Not to mention making the stupid decision to invite my "friends" with me one night and they all abandoned me while I was throwing up in a trash can for dick and drugs.

I almost got alcohol poisoning that night and swore to never drink like that again. At first, I was just doing it because I had a father and an older brother who watched almost my every move, kept an eye on every person I would bring over—don't even get me started on when I brought a guy home for the first time to do homework. I was sick of being that innocent little girl they prided me on being and got a little too reckless with it.

But not anymore. I'm a grown adult now and I plan to keep it like that.

"We're home!" Casey called to us.

I looked away from the window and smiled when I watched Hayden walk around the truck and help her out, then go around and take Rose out of her car seat. I got outside and stared up at the beautiful family house, my lips parted in awe.

Hayden wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head, making me smile and clutch my bag and duffle bag.

"Welcome home, sis."



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