A Beautiful New

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His heart was beating so fast it felt as though it was going to burst. He could feel his heart beating through his head as he was running as hard as he could down a very narrow path surrounded by trees and darkness. He looked down the path to see if there was anywhere that he could go to escape from the beast behind him, he had never actually looked back to see what it really looked like. He had a feeling that if he ever truly saw it though, it would surely be a fatal mistake. As he was searching for a way out he saw a hand in the distance that stuck out. He decided it was a better decision to grab that hand than to keep running, he knew he couldn't go much longer, and he hoped it would help him escape. Once he got the hand he grabbed it. The hand took him very quickly, and within the blink of an eye he wasn't on the path anymore, he felt his heart rate slow down to a steady beat, his breathing steadied and everything seemed to slow down. He saw a library, it was the most beautiful work of architecture he had ever seen. He looked around confused on where he was. As he looked around all he could see was white, but slowly he saw things begin to appear before his eyes. He witnessed buildings fade into view as well as people and birds, but the library still stuck out the most to him. So he decided to go inside. Once he reached the top of the steps he reached his hand out to open the door. When he opened the door he was hit with beams of light, blinding him and blocking his ability to see the inside. When he opened his eyes again he was in his room.
He started to think to himself about how crazy that dream was, it was the first one he had in a very long time where he didn't wake up because of a nightmare. He questioned what was inside the library, he also wondered who's hand that was. As well as wondering why that hand had never appeared before. His thought was interrupted by a noise and he knew exactly what it ment. He got a text from Jolie. He smiled a little as he wondered if he should text back right away or if he should wait a bit so he didn't seem like he had no life. He finally thought that he would go downstairs and make breakfast before he texted back. However this agreement he made with himself was broken within moments of walking out of his room, as he opened his phone, it was jolie as he expected and she had said "Good morning how'd ya sleep clutz". As he smiled he thought of something cool and unique to say back. He couldn't think of a thing, so he settled for "Good morning, I slept pretty well actually for the first time in a long time, how did you sleep?" He knew this was pretty basic but he figured basic was probably for the best, especially right now.
While waiting for a response Maverick felt pretty hungry so he made his same breakfast only instead of water he had some orange juice. Which was different from his normal but he liked it.
While enjoying his breakfast maverick heard a ding from his pocket. He looked almost immediately without hesitation. "Well that's great Mav so I'm happy to hear that. So I know it's pretty early still but I was wondering if you'd want to go somewhere to do something later." Maverick was in awe, he couldn't believe the most beautiful girl he had ever seen wanted to hang out with him, but his thoughts were interrupted by another ding. He was immediately filled with fear, thinking she was going to take back the offer or say it was meant for someone else. After a good second or two, he finally looked at it. "Oh also, I hope you don't mind me calling you mav. It's your nickname, it was between that and clutz. I figured you'd like mav much more though." After reading Maverick was filled with relief, as he let a huge sigh of relief he picked up his phone.
"I would be absolutely honored to hang out with you. Do you have anything specific in mind?" He replied.
"You wanna just go ride around and listen to music for a bit?" She asked.
"Oh gosh I'm so in, that sounds incredible. Who's car, yours or mine?" He asked.
"We can take mine, I can pick you up in about an hour if you're free?" She replied.
"Yes of course I'm free. I'll see you in an hour." He said. After Maverick shut his phone off he had a sudden realization. He was going to leave in one hour and he wasn't even finished with breakfast yet. So he devoured his meal as quickly as possible. Once he was done he headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. After his shower he had the difficult task of picking something to wear. He contemplated on what he should do for a couple moments. He didn't want to dress poorly and make her think he didn;t care, but he also didn't want to over dress. Finally he decided on a nice crisp white button up shirt with little bananas on it, with a nice pair of basic dark blue jeans. Maverick looked in the mirror, and for the first time since he was a kid he was happy with the face he saw looking back. He was smiling, and he had no idea why. All he knew was that he was happy and beginning to feel pretty confident in himself. He then sprayed some cologne on and stared into the mirror as he messed with his collar. Once he felt good about his look he went down stairs and checked the time. It was around time for Jolie to pick him up. So he just sat down on his couch watching TV waiting till she texted him.
Around ten minutes later. Maverick heard his phone ringing. He saw it was from Jolie so he turned off the TV and answered the phone. She was calling to find out where his house was. "Oh ya, I am the second house on Forest Road." he replied.
"Ok sounds good I'm about three mins away. See you soon." She said.
"See ya." he said. And with that the call was ended. Maverick went around towards the door to get his shoes. While tying his second one he heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door he felt as if everything slowed down a little bit. He saw her beautiful hair flowing in the wind, and her eyes, he couldn't believe how beautiful her eyes were, they were a very deep and bold blue it looked as though he was looking into the ocean, and her complexion looked angelic. When he snapped out of he heard her say "hey Mav!"
"Hey.. so you got a plan on where we are going?" he asked.
"Nope." she said with a little giggle. "I figured we could just drive around with no particular set destination, is that cool with you?" she asked.
"Yea, that's perfectly fine by me." he replied.
"Great." she said. She motioned him to head towards her car with her.
The two entered the car, and they were off. There was an awkward silence at first, neither one of the two knew what to say. Maverick was looking out the window and he saw something, he knew he had seen it somewhere but he couldn't quite put his finger on it... Then it hit him. It was the same flower he saw the day before. It was strange he had never noticed it, but there were tons of them, he still wasn't sure what the thing was called but he thought it was very beautiful, with its bright vibrant hues of pink. He turned to Jolie. "So how did you sleep last night?" he asked.
She let out a little giggle. Maverick loved that giggle, he felt almost happy whenever he heard it. "I slept.. Well pretty good actually, and how about you?" She asked.
"Well..." Maverick thought for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should tell her about his dreams. "I slept much better than normal." he said. He decided it was best to not tell her about the dreams. At least not yet.
"Awe well that's good to hear." She paused for a moment. "So you heard a lot about me last night. I was wondering if we could talk about you for a bit, so I can get to know you better." She said.
"Alright. What do you wanna know?" He said. He was kinda shocked, not many people had shown much interest in him before. So she asked him the most random questions.
"So if you could have any superpower what would it be? She asked.
"Hmm that's a very tough one... I guess I would want to be able to turn invisible." He said.
"Why?" she asked.
"I feel like it would just make things easier. I would be able to just disappear from everything." he said with a miserable face, staring directly at the floor.
"Stop, right there. Look at me" Maverick slowly brought his head up to look at here. "It would not be easier if you disappeared. Just because people can't see you doesn't mean things like pain and misery won't be able to. Besides, who would be my damsel in distress if you were invisible?" she said with a smile.
"You are just never gonna let that go, are you?" he said as he and Jolie began laughing together. After a while the two finally calmed down.
"So what is your favorite color?" she asked.
"Blue" he said with a certainty in his voice.
"Any reason why?" she asked.
"Well this may sound stupid, but It reminds me of the ocean, and the sky." he said. Jolie made sure to keep the questions flowing. Maverick actually loved every second of it. He thought it had felt nice, he wasn't sure what exactly this feeling was, but nonetheless he still did like it a lot. He also started to self reflect, he thought something weird was going on recently. He had constantly been feeling different and he wasn't sure why. All he knew about these new feelings was that he liked them and he hoped they wouldn't go away anytime soon.
After hanging out for around three hours Jolie started to get hungry. "Are you hungry Mav?" she asked.
He thought about it for a second, normally he would immediately say no, especially because he would have to eat around someone else. He hated doing that, it always made him feel insecure. He was pretty hungry though. "Yes." he said without thinking. Almost immediately he regretted saying yes, but it was too late now. So he decided to just roll with it. "where would you like to wanna go?" she asked.
"I'm not sure, I normally skip lunch. So how about you pick." he said.
"What are you for real? You normally skip lunch?" she said, as he jaw dropped to the floor of the car."Food is like my favorite part of the day. Oh I have the perfect place for you to try. Wait you don't have any allergies, or anything like that right? She asked.
"No, I don't have any," he replied.
"Perfect," she said.
"Soo where are we going?" he asked.
"Well since you don't normally eat lunch I'm gonna take you somewhere special. That's all I will say. Think of it as your hint" she said with a smile. Maverick thought very intensely for a moment on where she could possibly take him. He started to think about possible places, but once they got to the center of town, he realized he was never gonna guess. So he looked around as she drove. While looking out the window he saw the same pink flower he had seen earlier. He admired them for a moment. His admiration towards the work of art by mother nature was cut short. He had a sudden realization. They were going towards his house. But why? He wondered.
"So, are we going back to my house?" He asked.
"No silly, how would that be considered special, you eat there all the time." she said.
Maverick was now more confused than ever. "Oh I got it. We are going to the library." immediately after he said it he realized just how dumb he sounded."On second thought, forget I suggested that." caused them both to begin laughing again.
They passed the library, and shortly after they turned into a house. "Where are we?" Asked Maverick.
"Well I wanted to take you somewhere special for lunch. I love to cook so I was thinking we could make some food together. If you don't like to cook or don't want to help or anything like that it's ok. I just figured it would be fun." she replied.
Maverick sat in absolute silence. He was amazed. His mind started to race a thousand miles a second. He couldn't believe it she wanted to cook with him. "I am so in. What do you wanna make?" he asked.
"How about pasta, I have all the ingredients here already." she said.
"Ok that sounds amazing, let's go." he said. He was so excited.
After they got inside he asked what was first.
"I will start kneading the dough, do you know how to make a sauce?" she asked.
"Of course." He replied. Jolie got all the ingredients out that they both would need. She gave Maverick all the ingredients he was going to need for the sauce and they both got to work. After a little bit Maverick's sauce was to the point where it just had to sit for a little while on a low heat. He started to look over at Jolie. She looked like she knew exactly what she was doing. He loved her focused face. He thought it was absolutely adorable. Jolie looked over and invited him to help her with the dough. She had asked him if he knew how to knead dough. He did at one point but didn't remember too well. So he asked for a bit of help. She showed him what he had to do and he tried to replicate it, But he struggled a bit. So Jolie got closer to him. As she reached for the dough that Maverick had she accidentally grabbed his hand. Maverick looked over immediately. There was a moment of silence,  as the two looked into each other's eyes. Maverick was starstruck again. Only a few moments later they both acted like it didn't happen and they continued to make lunch.
After they finished making it Maverick and Jolie both enjoyed their tasty creation. Maverick was kinda surprised though. Through his entire meal he didn't feel self conscious at all. It was weird. But he didn't think much of it. shortly after lunch Maverick had to leave to get some stuff done. He really didn't want to leave, but he knew he had to.
Jolie gave him a ride home since he didn't drive. On their way, Maverick asked if they could stop at the library before she dropped him off. She gladly agreed. Once the two got to the library Maverick exactly what kind of book he needed to find. Maverick went up to the librarian and said, "Hello Mrs. Susan, I hope your day has gone well. I was wondering if you had any books about different types of flowers?"
"Oh my day has been splendid thank you for asking Maverick. Now abou your book we have one book describing flowers. Would you like me to get it quickly?" she replied.
"If you could, that would be incredible." he said. When Miss Susan was done checking out the book for Maverick, they were back to the road. On their way to Mavericks house
Once they arrived at the house Jolie got up to say her last minute goodbye. "So we can do this again right?" she asked.
"Yes I am so in to do this again." he said. After he said his Jolie was so happy she leaped into his arms.
"So tomorrow I will see you right?" she said.
"Yes just name a time and I'll be there." He said.
"Ok good" She said. She had a huge smile across her face as she slowly let Maverick go.
As she was driving off Maverick began waving goodbye till he could no longer see her car.
When Maverick went inside he realized he was happy for once. He was happy when he was around Jolie.
when Maverick was going to his bedroom later on that night he walked by the bathroom. He looked over and saw himself in the mirror. While this was a pretty normal occurrence for most people. He was shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes. He had a smile on his face. He knew that a smile doesn't mean too much to most people but to him it was a massive step forward.
There was a sudden change in the room. It appeared as though it had started to dim. It got so dim the only thing he could see was his reflection. He didn't know why but it started to almost like he was seeing double. He saw himself with a smile. Then he saw himself again, only this version was much more depressed and sad. He didn't understand what was happening but the depressed version started to beat up his happy counterpart. Next thing he knew the happy version was completely gone. It was almost like it had just disappeared. And then the remaining version of himself pointed to the top of the mirror. He saw himself and Jolie. But this.. This place.. it.. it.. it doesn't make sense.. him and Jolie had never been in that place together..
Maverick continued to watch, incredibly puzzled, but nonetheless he couldn't stop watching. While he watched himself and Jolie, on what appeared to be a date, it looked like everything was going great.
Until.. the scene changed.. It looked like a building. He had seen somewhere before. But he couldn't quite figure out where it was from. Then he saw himself about to give Jolie something. But she stopped him.. and slowly went to grab something from her pocket. When she pulled it out Maverick couldn't tell what it was. Then suddenly he flew back in fear.. As he watched Jolie stab him.. over and over again.. he tried to yell but he couldn't.. finally he got out a single word.. "Why?" He said.
She didn't respond. She just proceeded to rip his heart out, and then she threw it. She threw it as far as she could in an effort to make sure Maverick wouldn't be able to find it... and then in a second it was all gone. Everything was back to normal. well almost everything.. The only real Change was Maverick.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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