The Start of Something New

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The faster he ran the harder it was to breathe, but he had to keep running faster and faster, but then there was a branch that came down and hit him directly on the head. Almost immediately he awoke on the couch, frantically breathing and looking all around. He slowly started to calm down as he realized he was just in the living room.
Maverick then got up and went to the bathroom so he could take a shower. After his shower he got dressed, went down stairs and ate his normal breakfast, and went to the Library. He was looking around for a different book when he heard someone coming towards him. He assumed it was Miss Susuan, but when he turned to greet her, his jaw almost dropped. It was the same girl from yesterday. "Hello" Maverick said in a nervous tone.
"Hi stranger, your head feeling any better?" asked the girl.
While being a bit embarrassed he replied "Oh yes much better, it's crazy you think they would have a door that wasn't so solid" he said with a little chuckle.
"Ya you'd think" the girl said giggling.
"Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself, I'm Maverick. And you would be?" he asked.
"I'm Jolie, nice to officially meet you Maverick" she said.
"Wait Jolie like Angelina Jolie?" he asked.
"No silly, it's french" she said giggling.
"Oh that's so cool, what's it french for?" he asked.
"It stands for beauty" she said.
"Well I could have guessed that" he said.
"Awh that was so sweet thank you Maverick" she said.
"Don't even mention it, so I was wondering if you would help me with a little problem I have?" he asked.
"Well it depends, what's wrong?" she replied.
"I was going through my phone and realized, I seem to be missing your number" Maverick immediately realized what he just said. He couldn't believe he just did that. While freaking out internally about how he just ruined all his chances, he was interrupted.
While starting to blush a little she agreed with a smile. So Maverick handed her his phone and she put her number in.
"So Maverick I gotta ask, do you like romance novels too?" She asked.
"Yes of course, they are one of my favorite types of stories to read" he replied.
"Well perfect, I am looking for a good one to read. Do you have any ideas?" she asked.
"Oh yes, have you read 'The Start of Something New"?" he asked. She gave him a confused look as she thought about it for a moment.
"No I don't think I have. Is it worth reading?" she asked.
"If you haven't already. Then yes. One hundred percent you should" he said with a little smile.
"Ok, that sounds great now I know what I'm reading next" she said. Jolie and Maverick continued speaking while they were checking out the book for Jolie and then walking out.
"Well I hope you enjoy the book. It is definitely one of my favorites" Maverick said.
"Ya thanks so much for the suggestion. I'll see you around right?" she asked.
"Oh ya for sure, I come here everyday" he replied.
"Ok great, see ya later maverick" she said.
"See ya Jolie" he said back. On his walk to his car he was immediately filled with so much joy and excitement he almost couldn't contain it. Once he got to his car noticed that there was a flower right next to his car. It was a soft pink color that reminded him of Jolie. As he went to get his keys he heard his name. He perked up immediately and realized it was Jolie.
"Maverick wait! I need you to put your number in here" she said. Maverick looked like he was a little confused as he was putting his number in.
"I just needed it in case you don't text me soon enough" she said with a little smile. Maverick couldn't believe what was happening. While she was leaving Maverick noticed the little flower on the ground that he had seen before. He grabbed his phone to take a picture of the flower. Then he got in his car and went home. Once he was home he whipped his phone out as quickly as possible, and texted Jolie. He felt so brave, and he didn't understand where it was coming from. He was still in shock he even talked to her let alone get her number. Around ten minutes later Maverick got a text back, he looked at his phone immediately. It was from Jolie.
"Hey, Maverick.. Took you long enough" she replied. He smiled when he read that. He thought it was strange, because he had never actually because of a text.  He also started to feel something. It was a new kind of feeling for him, and he didn't know what it was. Because it was so new he just brushed it off as nothing.
Maverick and Jolie continued talking into the night, and everytime Maverick learned something new about her he wrote it down, he learned so many things about her from her favorite color to her favorite movie. Maverick loved every second of it.
Unfortunately the later it got, the harder it was to stay awake, for both of them. So after hours of talking they decided it was time to call it a night.

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