The end of the beginning

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As Maverick ran he could feel the oxygen in his lungs depleting, slowly he was starting to go numb, then in a flash he awoke in a pool of sweat. As he wiped his eyes he quickly realized it was all just a dream. A terrible dream, but still just a dream. Maverick took a couple deep breaths, and then slowly sat in an upright position and just looked around. All he could see was his same old boring room, with his same old boring dresser, and his mirror right above it. Then he saw his boring window at the side of his room. Without a thought, he fell back to the bed with a sigh of relief. After a quick moment of peace Maverick realized he was still laying in his sweat, so he quickly got up, took the sheets off, and went downstairs to throw them in the washing machine.
Then he realized it was time for breakfast, so he poured himself a bowl of the same ole breakfast he had every single day (oats with a glass of water).
After his breakfast he checked the time, he had about 7 minutes before the Library opened. So Maverick swiftly ran up the steps and put his boring blue shirt on with a boring pair of pants. After he left his house he drove to the Library listening to some music quietly humming along with the song.
    Upon arrival to the Library, a place Maverick spent a lot of time, he saw the librarian Miss Susan. Maverick never showed much interest in people, but Miss Susan knew almost every book in the Library, and she would always help him find the perfect book that he would be looking for. "Hi Susan, how are you doing today?" asked Maverick.
    "I am absolutely stupendous on this glorious morning, and how is such a nice young man like yourself on this fine morning?" asked Susan.
"I am doing fine, thank you ma'am. I was wondering if you had any idea for the next book I could read?"
Miss Susan quickly replied, "Well it depends. What kind of book were you looking for?"
"Well... I want to read a love story where I really don't know how it will end" replied Maverick.
Miss Susan thought for a moment, "Well that's a pretty broad range of stories, but I do know the perfect section for you, follow me". Maverick followed Miss Susan to the Romance section, once inside the romance section she took him to the mysterious romance novels. "Go ahead and look around this area. I'm sure you will find something interesting that is exactly what you're looking for in this area".
"Ok, thank you so much ma'am". As Maverick was searching he found a book called 'The End of the Beginning '. Intrigued, he grabbed the book and went to check it out. Once finished checking out the book he started reading it, as he walked out of the Library. On his way out he saw a girl walk in. He couldn't believe his eyes. She was so beautiful he felt starstruck. So starstruck he walked directly into the door and fell backwards. Immediately the girl turned around to check if he was okay. "Oh my god are you okay!?"
He tried to say yes, but he couldn't say it so he just nodded his head, as his face blushed as red as a fire truck from embarrassment. As she helped him up, as well as helping him regain his balance. Once he was upright again he thanked her, and went on his way.
Once he got to his car he started to read the book he had just gotten. He liked it inside the Library, but he couldn't stop replaying that moment in his head when he saw that beautiful girl. He sat there for a couple of minutes trying to build his confidence, so he could actually meet this girl.
He finally built up his confidence and so he left his car to go meet this girl. When he got in he asked Miss Susan if she had seen which way she went. "Oh sweetie you just missed her, she just left. I'm sorry"
"Oh.. it's ok, don't worry about it" maverick replied with a very sad voice. "Here we go, walk of shame back to the car, why can't I just be better. Why can't I be more confident?' He thought to himself.
The car ride back wasn't very fun for Maverick, when he got home he felt pretty tired so he went to take a nap. When he woke up it was pretty much the end of the day. He wasn't very hungry but he knew he had to eat something because he hadn't eaten since breakfast. Maverick knew how to cook very well, however he never had the energy to make anything so he made a bowl of cereal.
Maverick took his bowl to the couch to sit down and eat. While he was eating his cereal he turned on the TV to watch something to distract him. After finishing his bowl of cereal he continued to watch TV. While watching he came across a commercial. He was starting to drift off to sleep, but he heard the commercial tell him "today is the end of the beginning, so start the new chapter..."

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