Chapter 4 - The Girl Who Loves Rain

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Loriel wiped his eyes that were gleaming with tears. He should know that rain would bring back so many memories of her that it became overwhelming.

'Oh, honey... I am tired.'

Loriel scolded himself for his moment of weakness. He had waited for over 15 centuries. He just needed to keep himself busy and surely time would fly, right?

However, it was hard to find something to do when you have done everything there was to do when you were on your own.

Traveling the world? Done that.

Getting a new hobby? Yep, too many to count now. He had even learned crocheting to kill time.

Ask him fifteen centuries ago if he would ever take such a feminine hobby and he would kill you on the spot for insulting the monarch.

Meeting new people? No. No.. he didn't really like talking to people. The few humans he tolerated were his assistant and his family.

Hmm... maybe he should travel again.

Yeah... there was no place on earth that he had not explored. So, maybe the next destination should be space? He heard there were some breakthroughs in technology recently that allowed humans to travel faster in space.

They had been talking about colonizing Mars for decades now. So, he probably could pay to get a space for their next exploration to Mars or something.

Yeah.. that new private space initiative, SpaceLab, was in need of funding, and he had a lot of money.

He would tell his assistant to look into the matter.

Loriel looked outside the window again. His mind felt a bit light after getting clarity of what he wanted. Yes, he would travel again.

It should be good to distract his mind for a while.

Just when Loriel thought he could get rid of his longing for her from his mind, suddenly, right then... he saw her.

Loriel was suddenly unable to blink. He was dumbfounded when he saw a very familiar face in front of the cafe. The woman was standing under the awning and her hand was raised with an open palm, to touch the raindrops that were falling.

She was so beautiful beyond compare. Her creamy hair fell down her shoulder like a waterfall, and her green eyes that shone like emeralds were mesmerized by the scene around her.

She seemed to enjoy seeing the rain and her red lips were curved up on a beautiful charming smile.

At that moment, Loriel felt the air was sucked out of him and he couldn't breathe.


Tears slowly dripped down his cheek as his body unknowingly rose from his seat and his hand touched the glass window. He couldn't believe his eyes.

This... must be his imagination... right?

Did he miss her so much that now he had gone crazy?

'Oh, Elise... my lovely Elise...'

'If this was really you, please give me a sign.'

Loriel's eyes were fixed on the girl as he looked at her longingly. His brain told him he was hallucinating. Elise was not supposed to be here. The evil Time Master sent her to the year 2100, to punish him.

This was only 2045. He still needed to wait another fifty-five years.

That was the reason why he took the curse of immortality so he could wait for her. It was not the time yet.

Maybe his mind was clouded by his longing for her, so it had started to make up things.

Maybe he should see a doctor? Well.. what do modern doctors know? He knew more than them all combined.

Loriel sighed. His brain told him he was hallucinating, but why did his heart tell him it was her?

He finally decided to leave his book and came out of the cafe to talk to her. If it was her, he would know.


The door opened and he walked slowly to her side. Loriel knew at this day and age, he couldn't just approach a woman directly like it was in the past. Modern humans had what they called personal space.

He was the king in the past, and everyone would bow down in respect or curtsey when he entered a room, but here, he was a regular human. His kingdom had gone over one thousand years ago.

It was his fault. He didn't want to take another wife just to get an heir to inherit the kingdom from him. How could he marry another woman when his dear wife was still alive?

She was just not with him at that moment.

Loriel would feel like cheating when he even looked at another female in that context. So, without an heir apparent, as predicted, once he left, there was a long and bloody power struggle between his nephews.

He didn't remember who won, nor did he care. His kingdom no longer had meaning to him once Elise was gone.

Gosh, she would scold him if she knew. She always wanted him to be a good king.

'How could I rule my kingdom if every day all I could think about was you, honey?'

The woman who was mesmerized by the falling rain, slowly realized a pair of eyes had been watching her from the side.

She turned to Lauriel and when she saw him, her eyes went round in shock.

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